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Children's fun:10 things that are only fun when you are little

Can you still marvel at the world? And genuinely enjoy small things? With a bit of luck, you'll never completely forget that. But children seem to be a lot better at it than adults with their children's fun!

Whether it's because everything is still new, or because they have less fear than adults… Children have more fun. And that's why this blog about children's fun, with 10 points that you can still enjoy as a child. But the average adult no longer ... Any additions yourself? Let us know in a comment below this blog.

Playing outside:in this overview you will find more than 125 outdoor playgrounds!

Table of contents

Children's fun:small but nice

The older you get, the less special the world seems. Can you still jump as a 4 year old because you see a sheep in the meadow… When you get older you don't look at it anymore. And that applies to many more things. How come we adults are so serious? Take a look at the points below. Chances are you used to love them, but not so much now. Do you recognize our children's fun? And, are there sometimes things that you can still enjoy? Then of course we would like to hear that too! Here we go then…

1. Sleeping in a bunk bed

It used to be a fight for that top bunk… Nowadays you prefer to sleep closer to the floor. Because suppose you have to pee in the middle of the night. As a child you do not think about that, you are only concerned with the children's fun that goes with it. You also don't think about the possible fall you could make. The higher the bed, the better! And what could be more fun than a whole room full of bunk beds? Well, mom and dad know. Never again!

2. Take the escalator

It was wonderful:going to the city with your mother. Not so much because of the shopping itself… But because of the escalator! Do your kids love it too? Although their young legs can still do the work themselves, they often find such an automatic staircase completely the end. The children's fun is endless and Joyce has to wait at least 10 minutes before the fun of her children is tempered. Enjoy it:there comes a time when they too would rather spend money than take the escalator… And that brings us straight to the next point.

3. Spending money

Well, you usually don't have it that wide as a minor. But on the other hand:what do these children spend their money on? Either it's fun or it's tasty. And I think back to that with a heavy heart when I leave the supermarket with an empty wallet and a shopping cart full of detergent, toothpaste and toilet blocks. Or when the mortgage is paid off. Or if the waste levy is written off. Okay, you get my point. Saving on groceries is something children have never heard of. How nice!

4. Slime (make)

It is tacky, sticky and with a bit of luck your clothes will get completely covered, but that should not spoil the children's fun. In other words:the ideal toy for children. A few centuries ago we made “smurven snot” with soap and pencil tips in a sandwich bag, and making slime is just as popular today. What did you need to hear from our mother when another bag of smurven snot exploded! Sorry Mom, but comfort yourself:the roles are now reversed. I totally understand.

5. Fly

Not only flying, but almost all forms of transport are a lot more fun when you are little. Except maybe driving. Certainly the first time it is plenty of fun for children. Just think about your first train journey! That was fantastic, wasn't it? The older we get, the more we simply see transportation as a way to get somewhere. And let's be honest:after the umpteenth kilometer, the fun is over.

6. Playing with your food

The older you get (read:from the moment you do your own laundry) you prefer that things stay a bit clean. But when you're still little, you have something else on your mind. Children's fun for example! Playing with your food is absolutely not allowed, and that makes it even more fun. My brother and I used to have a favorite vanilla custard. Did we let it run over our chins… You shouldn't think about that anymore, can you? We actually think a lot about other things. And that brings us to the next point!

7. (Carefree) snacking

Food is especially fun to play with; candy is especially fun to eat. And children do that without any worries. So carefree that you as a parent sometimes have to intervene. For their own good, and that of their health. Very sensible, but we can also go a bit too far in that being sensible around sweets, can't we? When was the last time you had a carefree snack? Without even thinking about weight for a second? In that regard, we can still learn something from the children's fun. If you do:at least enjoy it to the fullest!

8. Snow

As an adult, when you think of snow, you think of Code Orange, scratching your car, a total lack of public transport… And so on. What happened to sledding, making a snowman and throwing snowballs? The average adult's mood is in sync with the mercury in the thermometer!

9. Jump

Jump rope, trampoline, or just like that:jump. Most children are a real jump-in-the-field when they are little. You don't need much extra for children's fun, except 2 legs to jump around on. For many women, that will change at some point… Our bladder is simply not what it once was, with all the associated consequences. Then you jumped out like that. But you don't have to! Do you suffer from urine loss? Don't let it get in the way of your fun.

10. Anything more exciting than a game of tennis

Children's fun, that also means some excitement! With an average amusement park visit, most children can't wait until they are finally big enough to go on that roller coaster. Are you finally big and mature enough… Don't you dare anymore! Do you also have a lot more fears than you used to when you were little? A huge fear of skiing, for example, while a few years ago you whizzed down the slopes without fear? Very normal:we get older and wiser. Consider all risks. And that immediately makes us a lot more boring.

Set an example to your kids, then nothing will stand in the way of your childhood fun (at a later age, yes)! Or challenge yourself, just like Joyce who got her motorcycle license at 46 😉 .