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Popular outdoor toys, the top 10 for all ages

Popular outdoor toys are indispensable during this period. Emma and I love being outside and playing outside. I love seeing her messing around outside. It is of course also very healthy for children to be outside. Nice vitamin D production, plenty of exercise and also very good for development!

We put out a call on Facebook to find out what the favorite and popular outdoor toys are among the children of the readers. There were a lot of reactions! We have examined these reactions in detail and we have prepared a nice top 10 of popular outdoor toys for you. Handy if there are still birthdays coming up, or if you want to give a holiday gift to get the kids outside.

Table of contents

It ranges from small toys to decent sized toys! And, of course, sometimes the age of the children also plays a role. Yet we see that for many popular outdoor toys, it doesn't even matter how old your child is!


The trampoline stands head and shoulders above all other toys. This one has been mentioned as a popular outdoor toy no less than 44 times. So if you have the space for it, don't live on five floors and are looking for something new for outside, you can hardly go wrong with this. In addition, the trampoline is wonderful to lose energy on in both summer and winter, as long as it is dry. If you want to know what to look for when buying a trampoline, read this blog.

Age for this toy: 2-15 years What is striking is that the trampoline is also used intensively for a long time by children of all ages. Toddlers can already start with this and children of fifteen years old often indulge in this too.

Please note:the trampoline may be popular… make sure you have a safe one in your garden!

⇒ You will find good trampolines here.


Playing with sand, building castles, raking, feeling the sand with your fingers, digging:beautiful! With 23 readers mentioning the sandbox, this too is definitely a popular piece of outdoor toy. Besides the fact that it is wonderful to see your children playing, I wonder if the mothers themselves have the sandbox high on the list of popular outdoor toys. Personally, the sand in the house that keeps coming from everywhere makes me crazy.

However, playing with sand is not only fun, but also very good for development! It allows children to use their imagination and encourages them to explore. Win-win right? And a sandbox shell like the one above can also serve as a bath in warm weather!

Age for this popular toy:1-6 years for a small sandbox. After that, older children will also enjoy the sandbox in a playground!

⇒ You can find sandboxes in all kinds of sizes at


Fortunately for the people with a small (or no) garden, enough children can keep themselves entertained for hours with just a ball. Shortly after the sandbox, the ball is in the list with 21 votes. In my opinion, it is also the ideal birthday gift for when your child turns 2. Not over the top and (almost) always a success! Emma also loves balls. She has a few soft balls for inside and an outside ball for outside. It's always a bit of a drama if we have to leave the outside ball in the shed when we go upstairs to our flat, but all the more fun when the outside ball is allowed to go to the playground or a lawn again.

Sidewalk chalk

With 15 names, sidewalk chalk is also a popular toy. Enjoy drawing, and with a little imagination, children can draw a whole world together, or a simple hopscotch game that will keep them entertained for a while.


I was a bit surprised that the swing gets a fifth place (with 14 votes). There is one in most playgrounds, but apparently it is not often chosen in the garden. One of our readers has a special bird's nest swing in the garden! How wonderful that seems to me! Then I say that I bought it for Emma, ​​but secretly it is my relaxing chair for when she is sleeping 😉 .

Balance bike

Also popular is the balance bike (12 times)! Among the little ones, I presume. Of course, the balance bike can also be used in the city, handy for on the way to the playground or to the supermarket. An additional advantage of the balance bike is that it ensures that the little ones can find their balance at an early stage and that the step to learning to cycle will soon be easier.

Water table

The water table is of course always good and available in a huge variety of designs! With 11 votes I find this place a bit disappointing in the list of popular outdoor toys, but when you consider that the mud kitchen has also been mentioned three times and that various readers mention a tub/bucket of water with some scoops and accessories, then it is not so crazy.

Just like playing with sand, playing with water is very good for the development of children. Messing around with water (and for extra great success add some sand). If the weather is somewhat nice, the water table can of course already be conjured up. And if you don't have a table, you can also offer a bucket and some plastic containers from the kitchen. Success guaranteed!

Are you not that handy yourself, or do you not have the time to make such a nice kitchen? Then Noesst still has a beautiful wooden children's kitchen for you!


The slide ends at the same time as the water table. This is really one of Emma's favorites in the playground. And strangely enough not the part where she can slide, but especially the part where she has to climb to the slide. Something I also get her moving with is letting the ball roll down the slide. As soon as I initiate that once, she then gets to work herself (and then runs every time to get the ball again). The great thing about a slide is that you don't necessarily have to have it in your garden, if you have a playground nearby, you're usually fine with this popular outdoor toy.

Bubble and step bubble

Sidewalk chalk and bubble blowing are often mentioned together (only bubble blowing slightly less often, exactly 9 times). It makes me very happy that this simple toy is still in demand. I myself still think it's great fun blowing bubbles for Emma, ​​looking at the beautiful colors, seeing how far the bubble goes. Or try to grab as many bubbles as possible. Emma herself also likes to try, but she doesn't quite manage to blow her own bubbles yet. And I would like to thank you for such a bubble gun with batteries.

The step is also in place 9 by the way! Driving in circles and competing, that makes them really tired.

Swimming pool

Maybe it's because of the sunny weather, but a swimming pool in the garden also just made the top 10. This is not only nice for the children, the mothers also like to sit with their feet and a magazine or book. After all, you have to keep an eye on the kids, don't you? Cool off, splash, swim and many more games in the water.

Also read:Summer toys at our home

Also very popular were various types of water toys such as the water pistol and the water track. Not surprising, of course, messing with water remains fun.

Tip:In the absence of special water toys, the garden hose also does a good job!

Also indispensable are toys on wheels:bicycles, go-karts, ride-on cars and skates. Get moving and lose all your energy. The only drawback is that you either need a large garden or the opportunity for the children to play with it in front of the house.

What it also continues to do well:simple toys. A skipping rope, for example, will keep your little jumper in the field entertained for hours. Or how about an old-fashioned game of hula hoops with a colorful hoop?

As you can see above, popular outdoor toys don't always have to be expensive. Here a stretcher and some cars also provide hours of fun!


The most used and popular outdoor toys can be roughly divided into two categories:moving and being creative with sand, sidewalk chalk and water. What I also love about outdoor toys is that they are much simpler and so much more responsible than all those indoor toys with batteries that often leave little to the imagination.

My main conclusion after this analysis about popular outdoor toys is that Emma and I need a garden to make playing outside more accessible 😉 , because my climbing gnome on the balcony is not a success.

Also read:outdoor toys for toddlers and preschoolers

There are a number of brands that are very popular when it comes to outdoor toys. Little Tikes is very much mentioned. The water table, the air cushion (!) and various items from Little Tikes were very popular. I myself have a tricycle of this brand, and it is nice and sturdy, plus the thing can grow with it, so that it can be used longer. I also like the look of the water table!

Tip:You can find a wide range of Little Tikes online.


To make this article even more fun, we can give away the water table below from Little Tikes! Have fun with this weather! Let us know who you would like to make happy with this in a comment below and what your own favorite outdoor toys are. The promotion runs until June 30, 2017!

Note:this giveaway has ended. The winner has been notified.