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Outdoor playground for the garden

Outdoor playground for the garden

Outdoor playground for the garden

Contents 1 Outdoor playground for the garden 2 Setting up a playground 3 Choosing the location of your playground 4 Arranging the playground 5 The actual installation of the playground 6 Here are some examples of “Fatmoose” playgrounds 6.1 Fatmoose TurboTruck Power xxl 6.2 Fatmoose CountryCow Maxi XXL 6.3 Wacky WorldMega XXL 6.4 Who has a playground in their garden? 6.5 Would you also like to have this type of playground for your children?

Many children dream of having a playground in their backyard. If you have a garden at home, setting up an outdoor playground is an opportunity to allow your child to fulfill one of their dreams.

Find all the ways and tips to set up an outdoor playground for your child.

Set up a playground

Setting up a playground in a garden goes through several stages, namely:

  • choosing the location of your playground in the garden,
  • the actual layout of the playground,
  • installation of outdoor games.

Choosing the location of your playground

The choice of location for an outdoor playground depends in part on the age of your child. If your child is under 5 years old, it is preferable that the playground be in a location that you can supervise even from a distance. For slightly older children, however, you can give them a little more freedom. The type of terrain is also a significant factor. Thus, it is generally advisable to opt for flat land, more generally those in the shade.

Develop the playground

To build a playground, it is generally advisable to use turf resistant to trampling. The installation of special cushioning slabs, as well as a small concrete space to roll the toys are also essential elements.

The actual installation of the playground

There are many games that need to be installed in a playground. There are among others:the swing, the swing, the cabin, the slide, the trampoline, the sandbox, and many other games that are sure to give your child a pleasant time. After choosing the different activities, will then follow their installation.

In order to make good selections, it is important to get an idea about its different types of activities.

Here are examples of playgrounds from the “Fatmoose” brand

The Fatmoose TurboTruck Power xxl

The TurboTruck XXL consists of a small house, a swing and a slide. With great power and exceptional quality, it looks like a big truck. It is available in different colors. Make your child grow thanks to its XXL play tower whose climbing wall resembles that of a truck grille. The TurboTruck Power xxl is already equipped with all the elements necessary to play the role of a truck well. Thus, there is a steering wheel, a gear lever, 2 exhaust pipes. Well still, your child can use a sandbox as a loading area. In addition, this playground is protected from the various weather conditions by a tarpaulin.

Outdoor playground for the garden

The Fatmoose CountryCow Maxi XXL

Bring your child's westerns back to life with the Country Cow Maxi XXL. Available in a multitude of colours, this playground is accessible with or without a swing. With a particular aesthetic, a table lets you see the different items available in your saloon. To look more realistic, the Country Cow Maxi XXL has the mythical hinged doors of dating saloons. Having a spyglass would make it easier to tell whether or not the newcomers are friends. In its Far West atmosphere, this play area also incorporates a climbing wall and a wavy slide.

Outdoor playground for the garden

The Wacky WorldMega XXL

Choose one of the best playhouses for your child by opting for the WackyWorld Mega XXL. Apart from the many colors this playground is accessible to, it can be used to set up a multitude of pieces. Whether setting up an ordinary playhouse, shop, kitchen or ice cream parlour, the WackyWorld Mega XXL is the perfect playhouse. Plus, it combines a climbing wall, rope ladder, handholds escalators, a sandbox, as well as a fairly resistant flag.

Outdoor playground for the garden

The playgrounds are very popular with children. If you have a garden at home, setting up an outdoor play area is a great idea for your child to enjoy this experience.


Who has a playground in their garden?

Would you also like to have this type of playground for your children?