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Fun packaging for children prohibited; can't it be otherwise?

It's time. The tobacco products are under lock and key, and buying a bottle of wine with your toddler in the cart is no longer an option. And now our children are once again 'protected' by the government. Nice packaging for children is prohibited. Say goodbye to the Dora Cookies and K3 lollipops.

In itself I think that few parents will have a problem with it. Just like me, by the way. It may save you some nagging while shopping. On the other hand, if fun packaging works for kids, why don't we turn it around? I have a better idea.

Paradise at (children's) eye level

Judging by the reactions on Facebook (from all compassionate moms and dads), few people were against it. However, many people wonder:is this the solution? The candy is deliberately still set up at children's eye level in the supermarket. And isn't it just a matter of saying 'no' as a parent anyway? Is it the task of the government, or the supermarket, to prevent your child from eating sweets?

What do you think? Does it make sense to ban fun packaging for children? Or is it just total nonsense?

Fun packaging for children:we can do something with that!

The tricks of the marketing work extremely well with our kids. Let's just be honest about that. That has been the case for centuries:put stickers, a flippo, or football pictures with it… And our children are lined up behind a crush barrier at the local Appie. Put a Spongebob on your packaging, and the kids want it.

If fun packaging for kids works that way, why don't we turn it around? We have banned everything that is unhealthy. Now let's put K3 pictures and Doras on the snack tomatoes and the broccoli. And hey, be crazy:grab the Brussels sprouts right away. If we then print them on paper bags instead of the plastic rubbish that we now have to stock up, we immediately take a step towards a better world. Who's for it?

Plastic in personal care products? Stop it!

Parents and wiser

As far as I'm concerned, it's up to you as a parent what you do with your child's nagging. As long as you don't give in too often, you'll be fine. You are parents and wiser! And the grown-ups are not fooled by nice packaging for children, are they? Unless they're going to nag you for Brussels sprouts, of course. In that case I would say:just give in 😉 .