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My 2 Tips for Children to Love to Read.

My 2 Tips for Children to Love to Read.

They say kids don't read anymore , that they prefer TV, video games and the Internet. Here are some tricks to use to make children love books.

Why is it so important to want children to love reading ? As a former teacher, I am well placed to know that children who succeed in school are all good readers.

Loving to read is a guarantee against school failure , against exclusion . Loving words protects against violence , because if you know how to talk, you are less tempted to hit.

That's at least two good reasons to try to make our children love reading. Is it so difficult?

1. The good example

My 2 Tips for Children to Love to Read.

The best way, as often, is to lead by example :a child who sees his parents reading, and especially taking pleasure in it, wants to imitate them. It doesn't matter if it's comics, magazines, novels or the newspaper.

Children seek to imitate their parents :mine cooked like dad, and grabbed a book like mom!

2. Sharing

My 2 Tips for Children to Love to Read.

The secret is to read stories to children :I chose stories that I liked, and that gave me emotions:laughter, sadness, escape. The main thing is that it makes you vibrate, that the child feels it and participates in it.

And contrary to popular belief, there is no age limit to listen to his parents read aloud. It's not just about the toddler to whom the bedtime story is read!

I continued much later, even when my children were able to read , and even after 14 years.

And it works!

My 2 Tips for Children to Love to Read.

And one day, it clicked . At 6 years old, at 12 years old, at 17 years old. Just be patient. I understood that I had won when I found one immersed in a “Boule et Bill”, for the other it was a novel by Boris Vian, and the third a surf magazine. And I was forced to tell him:"Stop reading, we're having dinner!" »...

And you, any ideas for them to like to read? Tell us about it in your comments.