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How I Reuse Children's Cleansing Wipes!

How I Reuse Children s Cleansing Wipes!

Aaaaah wipes! It's practical... Yes, but Loulou is growing up and he needs it less. We quickly find ourselves with a large package started to throw away without them having been used. Since I don't throw anything away, I also save on cleansing wipes!

Whoever invented the wipe, I would kiss him! They are used for everything:cleaning, car washing, anti-shiny make-up, make-up removal etc... and, for me, the star of wipes, the one that deserves the gold medal:the cleansing wipe for children!

Use of Cleansing Cloths

Whether we like the system or not, whether or not we adhere economically or ecologically, it is undoubtedly the one we have all bought at least once! False?

When you go on a weekend or on a walk, it's still very practical. We don't have everywhere a water point, soap and a glove . And then Loulou prefers this cleaning, more "gentle". So we buy the wipes, we use them, we throw them away...

And when Loulou is past the age of using it every day, we also throw away packages that are still half full.

Misuse of my Wipes

There, I say stop! No unnecessary waste. I no longer buy make-up remover wipes all the time of my Loulou's "wipes and more wipes" transition. I remove my make-up with the same ones he uses to wash his face... And it works very well! My skin is flawless .

In addition, the ones he quickly passes on his face, which are still soaked and practically clean, I use to clean his plastic toys before throwing them away. Last tip:when they nevertheless become dry because I didn't pay attention to them, I use them as dusting wipes (have you seen the prices of Swifer wipes or others?)

Do you have any other tips for saving wipes? Please let me know in the comments.

Savings Achieved

Make-up remover wipes are on average 0€10 more expensive part than wash cloths.

If you remove your make-up every day with Loulou's wipes, you save over the year 36€50 !

And I'm only counting the beauty budget here...