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10 tips from dads on love

This Sunday is Father's Day! On this occasion, ten dads wanted to give us their advice on love. Choice of the man, tricks to maintain the flame, everything is there. It's beautiful, touching and (almost) always very accurate.

Patrick, 53 years old

“The most important thing is to find a nice boy, a good boy, who respects you. He must love you, be tender, support you and give you gifts. A nice guy, almost as much as me" (laughs)

Jean, 61 years old

"You must be his princess. He must do everything to treat you as such, every day of every week, every month and every year. Always remember that you are a princess. If he does not treat you like this, close this book and find a real prince, whom you will also treat as such. Fairy tales do exist! I've had one for 34 years. You just have to remember what you deserve, believe it and keep it in mind. »

Jean-Pierre, 62 years old

"Already, if he manages to put up with you, that's it (laughs). Love is not easy every day, of course, but it is a wonderful adventure. For this to work, you have to be conciliatory and love the other as he is, with his faults. Over time, love changes, much like an old piece of silverware. It must therefore be maintained, so that it does not rust and, on the contrary, takes on even more value and continues to improve over the years. »

Marc, 58 years old

"Yes, you have to listen to each other to keep the flame alive in a relationship. But it is also very important to think of yourself. To love others, you must first be happy yourself. You can't give something to another if you don't have any more wealth on your side, right? So keep having a personal life, apart from your husband. Activities, sports, girlfriends, passions. And if in addition you do a lot of things together, you will continue to move forward, hand in hand, and to feed your tree of love with a rich and beautiful sap (Wow, I do poetry, hey!). (laughs)

Antoine, 57 years old

“The key to love, the one that lasts, is listening. You need to talk to each other and listen to each other. As soon as something annoys you, say it! Keep it simple, otherwise the little things can get out of hand. It's so much easier, clearer and healthier to say things! And that's what maintains the bond. »

Loïc, 65 years old

" Have fun. Life is far too short to be bored, alone or in pairs. Take a walk, travel, do the donkeys. Basically, what are two people who love each other? It's two big donkeys. »

Patrice, 57 years old

"If you're single, run away from the bad boys. These guys are useless and you know deep down that they will only make you cry so zouh, we move on to the good guys, okay? Afterwards, when you have found an owl, be yourself and let it be itself. Don't try to change yourself, because it won't work and it will hurt you. That's it, basically:let go of the sneakers so as not to run around and continue to move forward together (hell, it looks like Ribéry! Laughs)

Philippe, 61 years old

"Your man is like a team partner. To succeed, you must move forward together and support each other. At home, help each other. If the other has a hard blow at some point or feels overwhelmed, you have to be there to support him and help him move forward even more. Yes, love is like a game. Knowing how to pass the baton, letting the other support us to better go ahead and walk together, smiling. A game where the game must be won every day. It's fun, actually, love, right? »

Hervé, 75 years old

“Walk hand in hand. That says everything. Signs of tenderness are essential and maintain love. So kiss, hug, caress. As if every day was the last. »

Fernand, 81 years old

“Tell yourself everyday how much you love each other. It's simple, it's beautiful, and it's true. »