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Two kindergarten love friends get married 20 years later

This is a love story that looks more like a fairy tale than a relationship as we see every day! Matt Grodsky and Laura Scheel, a young couple from Phoenix, have known each other since they were 3 years old. When they meet in kindergarten, Matt instantly falls in love with pretty Laura. The two friends, then inseparable, share together the first moments of their love story. Separated when they entered primary school, the two soul mates only met again in high school. While Laura seems rather hesitant at first, the two eventually meet again and nothing seems to have changed. For their entrance to university, the two lovers will even decide not to stray too far.

An Instagram account tells the incredible love stories

20 years after their first meeting, the two lovebirds finally decide to formalize their love and get married. And in order to share their extraordinary story, they decide to publish on an Instagram account that tells incredible love stories:The way we met. On the famous post, Matt explains that one of his oldest memories is the day when in front of the whole class, he confessed his love to Laura. He also tells some anecdotes that marked their childhood:“The Lion King was very fashionable among children so we spent a lot of time reciting lines from the film in the yard. I remember trying to impress her during May 5 (Mexican Day) celebrations in kindergarten when we were trying to open a piñata. Fortunately, I succeeded and it caught his attention, I believe. »

We don't know about you, but this wonderful relationship still gives us hope in love! And while waiting for Prince Charming, we can always dream in front of the photos of Matt and Laura...