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Valentine's Day:5 things to know about love and sexuality

Valentine's Day is in two short weeks. For those who celebrate it, there is still a little time to shop boxes of chocolates, flowers and other small cards to declare your love to the chosen one of your heart. And since February 14 is the occasion to celebrate the union between two beings, The Independent shared 5 facts about love and sexuality to throw at your Jules between two glasses of champagne (always in moderation, of course!) the evening in question to impress him!

Aphrodisiac food

Chocolate is one of the products well known for their aphrodisiac properties. It contains phenylethylamine, a chemical that releases dopamine and norepinephrine, hormones that help us fall in love.

Immediate attraction

It's not exactly love at first sight, but almost! The science is formal:it takes between 90 seconds and 4 minutes to “decide” whether someone likes us or not. 55% of the attraction between two people is exclusively due to body language.

Monogamous animals

Monogamy in animals is very rare:only 3% of mammals are faithful to a single "partner" all their life. Among our friends the monogamous beasts are the gibbon, the swan, the albatross, the penguin, the eagle and the termite.

The natural painkiller

Just looking at a picture of the person you love, or thinking about them, increases the level of oxytocin, the body's natural painkiller.

Broken heart syndrome

No, it's not a myth! Also called stress-related cardiomyopathy, this syndrome is caused by a stressful event such as a breakup and results in sudden severe pain in the chest. This is the ultimate proof that an emotional shock can have an impact on the body.

Well, you know everything! And happy birthday to all lovers!