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Gym P.I.T. :what if sweating allowed us to find love?

Red cheeks, dripping makeup, sticky hair... After a sports session, we are not necessarily to our advantage. Meet the soul mate in this state? Never ! However, this is the crazy idea that Gymbox, a London gym, had. She created the "PIT" ("Pheromone Improvement Training"), a new program that offers participants tailor-made exercises, aimed at producing androstenone, a pheromone that the found in "fresh" sweat which is said to have aphrodisiac properties.

Shower prohibited

The gym has it all covered:it provides sweat suits to participants, turns off the air conditioning and offers intense exercises, specially designed to make the body produce a "cool" sweat in the forehead, lower back, groin or armpits. At the end of each session, which lasts twenty minutes, participants are not allowed to take a shower. Gymbox even encourages them to go out to meet people and test the effect of androstenone! Those who are already thinking of spacing out their showers to meet their soul mate change their minds:after two hours, this pheromone with extraordinary powers evaporates...