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She gives a kidney to a stranger…then they get married!

Super karma, soul mates destined to find each other or a big stroke of luck? One thing is certain:the love story between Ashley McIntyre and her future husband Danny Robinson, narrated by abc News, is so incredible that even Hollywood screenwriters could not invent it. Hang on, we'll tell you everything.

A shocking radio flash

Last year, Ashley McIntyre, a young American, overheard her mother and grandmother talking about a bulletin heard on the radio. A poor young man of 23 is waiting for a kidney transplant. Suffering from a kidney disease called IgA nephropathy, his immune system attacks his kidneys, preventing them from filtering the blood properly and eliminating toxins. In short:here he is in a state of end-stage renal failure.

The story immediately touches Ashley. Not only is the man in question almost the same age as her, but he also lost his father to a brain tumor in 2012, his mother is sick and to top it off, he saw his house burn down the day of Christmas 2011! Without a possible transplant from his family, the young man therefore seems doomed. Enough to thrill Ashley, who has group O blood, which makes her a universal donor!

She calls the hospital the next day

Many would have stopped there and resumed the course of their lives, normally. Except that the next day, Ashley calls the hospital to offer one of her kidneys! Today, she is still unable to explain what prompted her to make such a gesture, so quickly and with so much determination.

In short:the first exams are launched. A month before the operation, after being sure that their kidneys are compatible, Ashley decides to meet the young patient, Danny Robinson. She finds him cute but nothing more:they don't know each other well yet and both have something else to think about, don't you think!

A nice convalescence

The operation is going well for both of them. After a few days of contact, Ashley and Danny reconnect. And on June 5, during Memorial Day weekend, they go out and kiss. Their heart goes boom. "As soon as we started seeing each other, which wasn't long after this whole thing, we felt like it was true love," Ashley explains.

As proof:last Christmas Day, Danny asks for her hand. And today, Ashley's belly is a little more rounded:after saving a life, she is about to give birth to another, whose birth is scheduled for June. We warned you:absolutely stunning!