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Being cold makes you want to watch romantic comedies (it's science!)

Do you think you wanted to watch Love Actually even more? and The Holiday lately because it was thematic with the end of year celebrations? Think again. The real reason is sci-en-ti-fic! According to a study published in the Journal of Consumer Research , it would simply be… because we are cold!

The link between love affairs and physical temperature comes from the fact that the state of "love" affects our internal heat, the researchers explain. Yes, when people fall in love, they usually have sweaty palms, they blush, their heart beats faster and their breathing quickens.

And when we see Jude Law or Ryan Gosling, of course, it does all of that to us too. In addition (if we forget the effect these gentlemen have on us), we live the story with the characters, we identify with them, we dream of living the same thing...and our heart quickens to the rhythm of the story. .

Everything is explained...

Hong, J., &Sun, Y. (2012). Warm it up with love:The effect of physical coldness on liking of romance movies. Journal of Consumer Research