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Did you know ? :love makes us see our partner smarter than he is

Love makes you blind, as the saying goes. It's true, we tend to see Bibi as the most beautiful, and to find no fault in her (come on, at least the first 6 months!). But this “biased” vision (one will say) would also apply to Bibi’s intellect:according to a study carried out by researchers at the University of Warsaw (published in the journal Intelligence ), the fact of having feelings towards someone makes you tend to overestimate him/her. Specifically, being in a relationship makes us think that Bibi has a higher IQ than the real thing. By the way, we will also note that we tend to believe that we are smarter than we are...

Over 30 more IQ points

To reach these conclusions, researchers Gilles E. Gignac and Marcin Zajenkowski observed 218 heterosexual couples (together for 6 years on average and ¼ of whom were married), whose intelligence they tested via an IQ test. The partners were then asked to rate their own IQ and that of their partner. Verdict? Women and men tended to overestimate their own IQ by about 30 points (oops!), while they overestimate their partner's by about 38 points for women and 36 points for men. On the other hand, researchers have failed to establish a link between intellectual compatibility and satisfaction in the romantic relationship. Basically, we want a partner who we consider as intelligent as us, if not more, but this is not the key to a happy relationship. CQFD.