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Love addiction really exists according to science

“To be in love with love”. Everyone has already heard this expression to define in a rather nice way a person with a particularly strong emotionality when it comes to stories of the heart. But it is not a question of giving yourself a little romantic side by playing the tender hearts, since science affirms it:the addiction to love does exist. Four American researchers analyzed 64 studies published over the past 60 years, which allowed them to draw the following conclusion:there are two types of love addiction, a so-called "narrow" addiction and a "broad" one. An individual is subject to the first if he feels lonely when he is single and is used to chaining romantic relationships. This may be due to "abnormal brain processes" that boost the signals that announce rewards more than they should (this is the case for all kinds of addiction). In other words, the person is constantly stimulated by the idea of ​​experimenting with a new relationship once the "current" one has ended.

The same brain regions stimulated

Broad addiction is based on the theory that addiction to love is like appetite, that is, it is more of a need to be satisfied. “This approach suggests that loving someone is tantamount to being addicted to that person, even if the dependence is not extremely pronounced », Explains the study relayed by the journal NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information). The scientists claim that the brain regions and neurochemicals involved in addiction and romantic bonding are the same, concluding that there are “many commonalities” between romantic infatuation and addiction. “There is behavioral and neurochemical evidence that allows us to suggest that love is (or at least may be) addictive, just like addictions to toxic substances […] People whose lives are negatively impacted by love should be able to receive help and the same opportunities for treatment as drug addicts conclude the experts.

Indeed, it is very serious! Has your experience already allowed you to confirm discoveries?