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A crush at work is good for morale!

We confirm it, you are not the only one to have already had a crush on an office colleague! Blushing, losing one's means or having shaky legs when our gaze meets that of Martin from the payroll department, it's completely normal (because Martin is hot, it must be admitted!)'s even pretty good for morale, according to a recent study.

Flatter your ego

Indeed, researchers from a center specializing in psychodynamic counseling (in Leicester) claim that having a crush at work is a very good thing because it would help us to feel better about ourselves but also to feel alive and to do work our imagination. This is all the more interesting as a routine can quickly set in at work, especially after several years, just like within our couple. Flirting at work boosts our ego (especially when Martin gives us one of those smiles he has the secret to…). Having a crush on a colleague can show us what we want and what we lack.

Well, on the other hand, if you are already in a relationship, it is better that this crush remains in the order of fantasy or friendly flirtation. But if you're single, why deprive yourself of it? A survey claims that more than 30% of couples are formed in a professional setting.

In any case, it can be a good reason to want to go to work in times of lack of motivation. We say that, we say nothing...