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Love:these 9 tips that should not be followed according to a sexologist

Love:a personal feeling

Love holds a lot of secrets . It is a feeling that is difficult to define, to characterize . Love is unique to everyone. It has no universal truth . Love is not based on any dogmatic principle. Love can be an eternal or fleeting feeling. And romantic relationships are built from more different stories each other. No relationship started the same way. And that is precisely why love is so enigmatic . Generally, love cannot be seen. He feels . And yet, we are surrounded by people who assail us with advice, often lame, based on ideas that (certainly) reassure collective thinking. . And if it breaks your heart to have to wait two hours and three seconds to text her , you may do well to put an end to this heresy. Evidenced by the advice of a sex therapist , who seems to be tired of hearing all these opinions commonly accepted on the rules to follow in love.

Love or fairy tale?

How many times have you found yourself in front of your best friend who hammers you not to send her messages ? “Wait until he does the first not” . In front of the one who advises you above all “never sleep the first night" or to hear you say that here, "it's certainly too soon to have this discussion” . Some theories would also like every relationship to start with a bang, in a setting of sweetness and absolute happiness. So you have most certainly already heard yourself say "if you already have misunderstandings now, can you imagine six months from now? » . Let us tell you that you can sweep all this away with a simple wave of your hand and trust yourself more. To you and the person who makes your little heart vibrate . And we are delighted to hear what this sex therapist has to tell us. Todd Baratz , sexologist and psychotherapist wanted to put an end to all his dictates of love. It was on Instagram that he thumbed his nose at all these advice that we have all heard before.

In a relationship, it is essential to listen to you. And nobody else. There is no truth absolute. If the behavior of your "crush" or your partner is fine with you, then so be it. If, beyond the advice of this sexologist, we can give you a precious one:always stay true to yourself. Do not silence the little voice that allows you to live in advance. Here are all the claims to be deconstructed urgently.