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A long car trip with a toddler, with these 5 tips it should work

You may have read a while ago that my first time with a baby in a hotel was not exactly a resounding success. The three of us in one room meant for us that all three of us were already asleep at eight o'clock in the evening. However, this has not discouraged us from planning the next adventure, because we are planning to go on holiday to Croatia this summer! By car that is. That will be quite a long car journey with our toddler. 1430 kilometers there, 1430 kilometers back. I'm really looking forward to it, but I'm also secretly looking forward to it a bit.

I feel that there are quite a few things that I have to arrange in advance to make that long car journey a bit more comfortable for ourselves and for the toddler. That's why I did some research and put the results for myself (and for you) on the digital sheet.

Table of Contents

What should you pay attention to during a long car trip with small children?

  1. Stop stops
  2. Entertainment in the car
  3. Everything in pitchers
  4. At the campsite
  5. The return journey

First, it is important that the journey is not stressed. Rushing to try to get as many miles as possible - no matter how everyone feels - isn't really relaxing. So make sure that you also see the trip itself as a holiday. We do this through stopovers. We travel at ease during this long car journey and therefore also have time to spend the night in between and enjoy.

1. Staying overnight during a long car trip

With such a long journey in the car you can't really escape it. We are going to spend the night. We have decided to do this not once, but twice. The hotels in Germany and Austria have already been booked for this. The first day we drive about half of the total journey. After that we have two quieter travel days ahead of us. That way I hope that all three of us will have the best possible trip. I am well aware that this will not be easy. Our daughter just turned one when we go on a long car trip, so she probably isn't up to such long drives yet. And don't blame her, after a few hours in the car you are also very tired.

Tip:drive at night. If you can miss some sleep yourself and drive alternately, driving at night is a very good option to be able to cover many kilometers while your child is not bothered by anything!

2. Entertainment in the car during the long car journey

Of course, she will also need some entertainment. But what exactly? We don't make much use of iPad or videos in between, for example.

Read to yourself

But what I do plan is to read in the car. You have to be able to handle it yourself, of course, during such a long car trip, but I am convinced that she will love it. At those moments I also sit in the back with her. Maybe not so nice for my partner, but for her!

tip:If you have several children, it is also fun to switch. You put one of your kids in the front for a while, he or she has a better view of the environment and the child in the back gets more one-on-one attention.

Listen CD

Of course a listening CD also works and singing songs

Hand puppets

Ultimate entertainment when your child is really getting bored. Buy some small hand puppets in advance and put on a nice performance during the long car journey. Of course your child also wants to participate. How cozy together!

3. Everything in pitchers

It is now clear that you have to have everything you need for a long car trip for the road. However, do not forget that everything must be well arranged for your car! Of course you have car insurance for your car. But do you also think about what exactly you have insured? If you have a standard car insurance policy, you might just miss out on some extra benefits that you get with another insurance policy. It is precisely those extras that ensure that you go on holiday in a relaxed manner.

With car insurance extras, you get a handy summer and winter check before you go on holiday, for example. Or alternative transport which is arranged if you end up at the side of the road by car. There is nothing more annoying than taking a long car trip with your toddler and then also having to stand by the road for hours.

That standard replacement transport, for example, appears to be sort of indispensable! Friends of ours were in the Czech Republic last year and lost one of their front wheels. Then standard transport is really indispensable, you get that 😉 . And how nice if you know that this is also insured as standard without having to pay extra for it!

4. At the campsite

After this long car journey, we stay in a mobile home at a campsite during our holiday. A campsite with all the trimmings. A campsite by the sea, with a number of swimming pools, extensive dining options, numerous activities, you name it. What do I expect to use it? Actually not that crazy much. With a little one you are bound anyway. Bingoing whole evenings or going crazy in the camping bar is of course not possible.

What are we going to do? The expected temperatures are around thirty degrees, so a lot of swimming, exploring the area and nothing too exciting. Who knows, after that first tropical year with baby, I'll be able to read a good book again? A little me-time for mem, seems nice! 

5. And then the way back

I haven't booked anything for the way back yet. I first want to see how it goes on the outward journey, such a long car journey with a toddler. Maybe it's not too bad for us and we actually have enough with one overnight stay. Maybe it will be disappointing and we really need those two nights. We'll see!

Driving with children is not always easy, every mother knows that by now. But do you also know how to start the journey safely and how to keep it cozy? Check out our tips on the blog about driving with children   or Marion's on her blog. Or browse through these entertainment tips for a car ride.

Are there any Mamsatwork readers who have ever taken a long car trip with a baby/toddler? Do you (besides the tips given) have any tips for me on how I can make that trip as pleasant as possible?