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10 love tips to steal from Love Actually

Every time we see this film, we have a potato from hell. What make us want to make a small inventory of fixtures to steal the 10 best lessons.

***This article should be read while listening to the music from the film***

1. Telling yourself that you deserve love with a capital L. Love, yes, it can make you shiver and take your guts like never before! There is no shortage of testimonials from people who talk about it or who have even made works of art out of it. So, like little Sam, we believe in it and fully, and even if we had a hard time before like Jamie and Daniel! Love will always surprise you. The man with whom you will live this great story is there, somewhere, perhaps also wondering when he will have the chance to meet you...

2. Be yourself. Whether you talk like a teenager, have big love handles, a crazy rocker's soul or dance like a crab, the man of your life will be the one who will love you despite that...and even FOR that.

3. Letting yourself have experiences. After having chained the refusals with the English women, Colin left to have fun in the United States. And the least we can do is that he has no regrets, far from it! So we follow our instincts, we don't care what other people say and we have fun without taking the lead if we want to!

4. Say what's on your mind. Love is so beautiful that it deserves to be revealed, even if it's to take a rake. At least, after a declaration, we move forward and feel liberated because we said what was on our hearts! At best, we are living a wonderful story. At worst, we can (finally) start moving on.

5. Go at your own pace. Are you shy like pornstars Jack and Judy or "it's complicated" like Sarah and Karl? Take the time you need. To "conclude", no time rule (or any rule for that matter) holds. And that's good:each story is different, that's what gives it its strength and its richness (as evidenced by the different and splendid stories of this film).

6. Do not put language or geographic barriers. To live their love to the fullest, Jamie learned Portuguese and flew miles to find his beauty, Sam defied the police, David went door to door. It's well known, and not just anecdotally:love knows no obstacles.

7. Follow your instincts. Jamie never had an intelligible conversation with Aurelia but he felt he had to take this risk:he went to look for her in Portugal, where he even asked for her directly in marriage. Sometimes you have to dare, let your heart and your spontaneity speak. At worst, we hunker down but we always get back up and it makes us bigger and stronger (and it makes life downright more beautiful and exciting).

8. Moving forward after a hard blow. Whether it's having to forgive someone who has cheated on us (Karen), forgetting them (Jamie) or even overcoming bereavement (Daniel):after the trials of life and love, he always keep in mind that you are always entitled to it. Happiness will always be there for us, even if we have to fight a little to reach it.

9. Stay close to family and friends. With them, it is also love. And they will always be there, no matter what.

10. Live love to the fullest. Because it will always be worth it. You only have one life, so you might as well live it without regret.

LOVE ACTUALLY – VF trailer by CoteCine