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25 flirting tips to steal from cats

Cats are the kings of seduction. Whatever they want, they get! But how do they do it? Here are their well-kept secrets…

1/ First lesson of the cat flirting manual:trust yourself. Because we are a bomb. We are awesome. One is a queen or a king; and if he does not succumb to our charm, it is because the problem comes from him.

2/ Do you want it? So give him your prettiest sweet eyes, shamelessly…

3/ Surprise him…

4/ For example, invite him to take a good walk…

5/ Offer him a little massage session (really formidable!)…

6/ Listen to him, advise him. Help him clear his head...

7/ And above all make sure that he does the same, otherwise –> we scratch and we leave!

8/Keep in mind that we can love each other despite the differences! The important thing is that we are good together (and that he does us good…Rrrrr). What other people think, we don't care!

9 / Remember that it is normal to have doubts, whether at the beginning of the relationship or after 20 years of marriage! Do not hesitate to meet to see a little more clearly.

10/ Normally, after that Monsieur will have to be charmed and send you flowers (noormal, you are awesome)…

11/ Otherwise, we are not made to be together. And we're leaving! We have NOTHING TO LOSE!

12/ So, once in a relationship, learn to let go, to accept that he is also there to please you, just you...

13/ And to say no when you don't want to cuddle…

14/ Never accept that a man wants to change you, you and your look...

15/ Or forces you to play sports when you're lazy (we do what we want!)

16/ Never let yourself go in general. Even if it means being a bit boring sometimes.

17/ Give yourself some free time to find yourself, reflect on the meaning of life around a good bowl of hot milk (with chocolate in it)…

18/ In short, be simple, follow your instincts...

19/ Your desires and desires (even weird ones)…

20/ Express them clearly…

21/ Have fun…

22/ Bicker (yes, arguments can strengthen relationships, move them forward…and spice it up!)

23/ Communicate and support each other…

24/ Do you love…

25/ And when there is no more love at all or you are disrespected, ciao! Point bar.

So take the plunge. May the strength of the Cat be with you! Meow.