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Internet:love in a few clicks

Finding the right dating site

The number of dating sites on the Internet is dizzying. They all offer the same promise:Love, with a capital A. To find a soul mate, you must already find the right dating site. Generally, the sites are free for women. A paid offer is not necessarily a guarantee of quality. There are themed sites, for sports women or people practicing a religion, for example. If such criteria are essential in the choice of your partner, these are sites to be preferred. For women, the best dating sites are where they hold the reins. They are the ones who choose and are not asked if they do not wish. Only singles who match their preferences are offered to them.

Select the right criteria

We all have in mind the image of Prince Charming. Tall, handsome, intellectual, romantic, sporty, reserved, extroverted, the ideal man may be there, on a dating site, and just waiting for his princess. All dating sites have questionnaires to fill in to better target the man you are looking for. The questions cover very broad areas. The physical, of course, but also the tastes in music, leisure, cinema, and even sex. The more criteria selected, the fewer contenders, that's obvious. But these criteria remain subjective, and can be misleading. Nothing beats a real meeting to get an idea.

Do not delay to meet

Virtual exchanges facilitate contact, push back the boundaries of shyness and allow you to get to know each other. But soon, a real meeting must take place. Love is not a list of strengths and weaknesses. It's a matter of alchemy. And the meeting already makes it possible to check if the photo of the profile does not date from the last century. For a first meeting, a coffee or a drink after work is ideal. If the suitor doesn't suit, we don't have to wait until the end of an endless dinner, and if the spark is there, we can extend the evening and discover each other a little more.