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“The Love Experiment”:the algorithm that will help you (finally) find love!

In 2021, the dating industry online is still based on conventions from 40 years ago – a market designed by men for men , which reproduces and amplifies patriarchal stereotypes . It's particularly unfortunate because technology gives us the means to change things, and that's what we're going to do with The Love Experiment » explains Clémence Lalande,CEO of the dating app Once . And for those who use dating applications, the opposite would be difficult to demonstrate. Indeed, these applications are based on criteria that could easily be described as patriarchal . Not to the taste of the swiper? Next. As a result, dating has come up against imposed limits in recent years. by an algorithm calibrated on the volume and not on the spontaneity of a meeting based on something other than the physique of the person in front.

Girl Power, you said?

In addition to having developed a whole new algorithm , this one was entirely designed by a team 100% female . In this team, we count Fabienne Kraemer, French psychoanalyst, Danielle Haig, British psychologist but also Lumen Charly Lester, experte du dating and founder as well as dating expert Charly Lester. To develop "The Love Experiment", the team interviewed more than 1000 couples , giving them access to more than 9000 years of married life . The concept is simple:28 questions which allow you to draw an emotional profile, in 4 axes. "The questions range from 'would you rather have dinner with Obama or the Dalai Lama?' to “which superpower would you choose?” » .

"The questions involve 4 lines of questioning :the relationship to oneself, to others, to the couple , and to the body. From there, we define typical profiles , and we make them meet where perhaps they would not have gone. Because spontaneously we have a very definite idea of ​​what we need, but it is an idea full of biases – which can even lead us to the bad people » , explains Fabienne Kraemer. At the end of this questionnaire, you will have access to your emotional profile , among 16 standard profiles. Your profile will be compatible withthree other archetypes. Detective or Pilot? You will soon find out.

“Contrary to popular wisdom , we observed that opposites don’t attract that much . Everything lies in this subtle balance of commonalities between two people for the alchemy to work. It was important for us to leave the choice to the users, that's why we offer 3 types of matches different, based on different compatibility models” , specifies Charly Lester. This algorithm don't stop there. Your result will therefore be permanently displayed on your profile so that each user can have clues about who you are. In this way, your appearance will be just a detail . “

"Not everything is zero or one, you can't swipe a good or a bad feeling with a person. The Love Experiment is a first step towards more sensitive online dating , more nuanced, more human, which I hope will be emulated,” concludes Clémentine Lalande. All you have to do is go to Once and try the experience.

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