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10 photo tips to stand out on dating sites

Notice to singles who are desperately looking for a soul mate:a study by Opinion Way, in collaboration with Nikon France and the dating app happn, revealed that 77% of French people prefer portrait photos to selfies. So throw away your selfie sticks, it's already has been! How to grab the attention of our suitors with our profile pictures, without overdoing it?

Down with selfies! And yes, selfie, it's over. In 2015, it is the portrait type photo that has the coast. We say goodbye to photos taken at height with the mouth in a cul de poule. We take our camera, or smartphone, we put it on a support at eye level, and we frame it well. It is a question of taking you, and not your cat Félix, licking his rear end. We trigger his self-timer:1, 2, 3, cheese!

Pose naturally. 69% of men surveyed prefer natural photos. It's all about honesty. The photo must represent you, as you are on a daily basis. Well, of course, we are not going to photograph ourselves in the morning when we get out of bed. But, we just avoid overdoing it on the photos, so as not to shock our suitor the day of your first meeting.

Prefer color photos. Be careful not to overuse black and white filters, sepia… The photo must be colored, for the majority of Parisians. So, to perfect your photo, play with natural light. For example, morning is a good time to capture the best light source. Put yourself in front of it, and not with your back to avoid the backlight. Your face will appear brighter.

The little extra:a touch of humor. A little grimace can easily attract the attention of singles. The majority of 18-24 year olds prefer funny photos to serious ones. A woman with a sense of humor is always more interesting. Be careful, we do not exaggerate either, at the risk of scaring them away. The goal is to amuse them and attract their curiosity.

The sexy touch does it all. "I'm sexy and I know it!" » Men (i.e. 21% of those surveyed) do not like it when you play the little Saint Nitouche. A slightly sexy pose (and not vulgar, beware) will capture their attention. We reveal a slight neckline, without showing too much. That way, we keep them in suspense.

To look or not to look at the lens, that is the question. Of course you have to look at the device. Profile photos, men prefer them from the front. But, you can also take a look to the side. It's like, "I didn't see I was being photographed, but I'm still pretty cute." »

How many photos on my profile? Your profile should consist of three photos on average, for 31% of respondents. Not one more. That way, we keep the suspense. There is no point in displaying your life or a whole album, sir will have time to look at it with you later.

Avoid group photos. Photos with bands of friends are not unanimous on dating sites. Only 11% of people aged 25 to 34 like group photos. In fact, we would not like our potential future man to flash on our friend Amandine. She's beautiful, has several requests a day, goes out with Jonathan. So she's not going to steal our future lover either. You understood, we take our picture alone, and not with our group of friends.

Show your face clearly. And not your figure. What interests your suitor is your face, not the back of your head. Almost all of those who are registered on dating sites prefer photos where people show their faces (unless they have a foot fetish).

No retouching. Exit the photos hyper photoshopées way Justin Bieber. In the provinces, most men refuse to publish a retouched photo of themselves. And yes, there is no point in cheating on your physique. Because the day you first meet, hunt the natural, it will always come back at a gallop.

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Marion Ristor