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Dating as a single mom is a big advantage; you pick the wrong men out like that!

'For real! I have so much respect for you taking this step. You know, it's just that much harder for moms to find a new guy. You saddle them right up with someone else's child. Most people prefer to run away from that, of course,' I was told when my daughter and I moved in with my parents. I was just single again, not at all involved with other men, let alone that I needed date tips. This was certainly not a boost…

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Date tips single Moms; you are sharper than ever

Over the years I noticed that this person had been spouting a lot of nonsense with her dating tips. Being a mom turned out to be a blessing in the dating market:I was sharper than ever. I now picked out the wrong men without a doubt. Ultimately, the man you're going to expose your daughter to has to be trustworthy. I declined paid tickets to London, but also supposedly romantic beach walks with strangers. After all, how can you expect your daughter to respect herself if you accept the first best offer yourself? Men really aren't nicer when they show off their possessions. Rather a nice guy with good personality!

A great learning experience

Incidentally, my daughter was of course not aware of my behavior in practice, because I did not discuss that single date with her. And yet it gave me a certain peace of mind for my own feeling. So I didn't do anything that I later regretted or could have shamed her with. Looking back, it was a great learning experience, especially in the field of human knowledge. Good date tips are therefore not so clumsy 😉 . Today I'll give you dating tips to give you an edge in the dating market that I didn't have at the time. And… Have fun when you're ready!

Read also :dating as a single mom on Tinder!

7 Date tips for mom

Get to know someone from a distance first.

As a mother, you don't have the time to regularly date a relative unknown, so start a chat/app contact with him first. Requests for explicit photos, invitations to someone's own home, appointments he doesn't keep, and Facebook profiles full of women are all clear signs that you'd better cut him off. And I don't think there's anything wrong with a little research. Especially if your time is scarce, you can make some demands.

When someone is constricting you, it is usually not good.

Date tip 2 is a very important one! How irritating is it when you feel you have to be held accountable for where you are and what you do? As soon as someone starts doing that when you're not even really together, you better stop right away. Your gut feeling is extra as a mother and you can now make good use of it! Does 'something' tell you it's not right? Prevention is better than cure, I think.

Overloading with gifts is unnecessary

At least, this may be very personal, but I prefer to really get to know someone. Gifts mean nothing. You can take me to the Eiffel Tower, give expensive bags or surprise me with a thick watch, but you won't buy anything for that in the long run. After all, you just want a date with a nice man, right? He really doesn't need exorbitant gifts to convince you of his sparkling personality.

Pay part of your first date

Why? Actually, the reason is very simple. You show him that you are capable of doing your own thing, the date remains in balance (some men think they should have expectations after paying a date – however eighteenth-century that is) and it has a surprise effect. Especially because the majority of women still do not or hardly pay during dates (if I may believe single friends, at least, don't quote me on that!)

Keep to the ninety-day rule

Unfortunately, evolutionarily speaking, males prey on their prey and are basically ready as soon as they have it. In women the other way around. Once you put off the first night of love, men will not only lust after you more, but also respect you more. Incidentally, I also know of examples where a wild night resulted in a good relationship, but this is not the rule.

Don't expect this to be the date of your life

You might meet a new friend today for the rest of your life. There does not have to be a click, but you do take this experience with you. Take this date tip to heart and try not to be too nervous:you are a nice person and 'the one' really wants to get to know him.

If this isn't him or her, then better next time. Expectations that are too high make it scary, while it is the intention that you are now going to experience a nice moment? And in the worst cases you can always text a friend with the request to come and rescue you now 😉

Don't involve your child in your dates

An open door probably, but as said:that does not always apply to men. "Shall we go do something nice with the three of us?" some suggested. I've always found that enlightening:it saved lost energy in the dating process with someone who put their own interests ahead of my daughter's. In short, after such a comment, I immediately gave up.

Only when you are sure of your case will your child come into the picture!

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