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Dating apps and sites:the top 5 for the single mom with pros and cons.

If only we lived in the Middle Ages. Back then, being single still meant wearing your best dress, getting in that carriage and off to the ball. Okay, maybe that's a little too Cinderella-esque. But I think the dating scene didn't get any more magical. Glass slippers have been exchanged for glass screens. Face to Face became Face to Screen † And you don't have to put on any more in a ball gown. The competition is coolly half naked in their profile picture. In that respect, little has changed in all those centuries:finding love is a tough battle † Only a few more princesses have arrived. But on the other hand, the offer has grown, too! 😉 How do you find your prince on the white iMac on dating sites and apps? Or princess, luckily that is also possible in modern times!

And before you think… what does an article about online dating and dating apps do on MamsatWork? We have a nice portion of single mothers who follow us 😉 . Sosss.

Table of contents

Online dating for women

As if dating wasn't difficult enough, online dating still involves a whole process. Where you had to ensure a good entry in the pub à la minute, it starts here with drawing up your profile. What kind of photo will you choose? As my grandmother always said, you don't have to put out all your wares right away. But after one look at the tinder profile (of a male friend) it becomes clear that many ladies have not received this message from their grandmothers. Determine for yourself where your limit lies, and do not forget that images on the internet will never disappear completely. Not even if your grandchildren are going to tinder. Or that creepy colleague of yours.

Well, once you've figured out how you want to present yourself in that hectic world of online dating for women, it's time to pick a method. Do you go for dating sites, or do you choose one of the many dating apps?

Drifting on The Dating Site

Although its possible success is still doubted by critics, I think it is no longer taboo:the dating site † Online dating for women can create insecure situations. If we do go online dating, we want to be able to choose our potential dates carefully. A dating site is perfect for that. There are special dating sites for the elderly, for single parents, for a special 2nd lover and even if you absolutely want a highly educated partner, there is a site for that (e-matching). Are you a member of a dating site, or do you have experience with it? Good or Bad , we would love to hear them and of course also which site or app it was!

But which of all those Dating Apps is right for you?

After the contact ad came the dating site. And after the websites, came the dating apps! Many dating sites have therefore developed an app in addition to their regular website. Because online dating, many of us do that on our smartphone. Just between nose and lips so to speak (jee, that sounds a bit plastic in this context).

Well, there are countless dating apps available for singles (and sneaky cheaters too) who are looking for a date. We have listed a few for you.


Unless you've been living under a digital rock for the past few years, you've certainly heard of it:Tinder. Even my dad knows what Tinder is, and that's saying something. Lustig swipes the Netherlands (and the rest of the world) away. Tinder is the number 1 most downloaded dating apps and is based on a simple principle. When two people like each other, the foundation is laid. So Swipe, Like and Date, you never know where it will lead! Keep in mind that 'if you Tindert' you are supposed to be of a specific type. It is generally known that Tinder is very popular among the Twenty-somethings who want to turn up a quick fling.

Benefits Tinder:

  • free or a cheap subscription
  • is widely used
  • good connection with social media

Cons of Tinder:

  • mostly in their twenties
  • within the free version only a limited number of matches per day (as if that's not enough 😉 )
  • very appearance-oriented

Download Tinder from App store or Google Play


Happn is also a combination of modern technology and meeting old-fashioned people. The app shows who is or has been near you. So, with a bit of luck, you can simply find that stunner that was on the train with you via Happn! Although you might also have addressed him or her directly… fearful hare 😉 . A friend of mine has been to Rome with her Happn app, which in any case resulted in a nice evening swiping Italians!

Happn benefits:

  • you search/match with people in your area
  • nice way to like

Disadvantages Happn:

  • The advantage is also a disadvantage, do you want your location to be known?
  • not that many users in the Netherlands

Download Happn via App store or Google Play


Does all that swiping remind you too much of a meat inspection? Would you rather not everyone who crosses your path see your profile and do you think your privacy is more important than your profile picture? Then dating app Badoo might be more for you. Badoo is also in the top 5 most downloaded dating apps. You decide to what extent others see your profile. In that sense, it is somewhat like Facebook. In addition, 'fake members' are actively banned. Because there are plenty of fish in the sea , but you are not waiting for a shark.

Advantages Badoo:

  • privacy profile is adjustable
  • popular in Asia and Eastern Europe, so if you want to live there…

Cons Badoo:

  • slow and unclear
  • limited offer

Download Badoo via App store or Goole Play

Relationship planet

Are you no longer in your twenties, but just a serious woman looking for a nice date that might grow into a relationship? Then stay loyal to Relatieplanet. They are in fact 'out' with the twenties (yes, whoops… they swipe an RSS wrist on Tinder), but very in when it comes to the slightly older ones. Between the ages of 35 and 65 you are at the right place at Relatieplanet. You don't have a meat inspection feeling and a mandatory night of sex on the first date? That is not 'expected' of you here either.

Benefits Relation Planet:

  • serious site with focus on relationship, not sex
  • less focused on appearance, no real meat inspection

Disadvantages Relationship Planet:

  • not cheap
  • not so clear


Everyone knows that looks don't say everything in a relationship, if not… just look again at Beauty and the Beast 😉 . Parship has understood this well, and they aim for a clear profile. As a result of a test that you have to do, your answers will result in a score that puts you in a certain box… your personality is determined.

Benefits Parship:

  • you will be matched based on the outcome of a real test
  • less focused on appearance

Disadvantages Parship:

  • very expensive subscription
  • the question is whether the test is a good match 😉

Online dating for mothers

Online dating can be quite a struggle to be. Especially if you feel like you have to compete with countless model photos flooding the dating apps. But what if you're also a single mom? According to mom blogger Sophie, it's anything but a Mission Impossible. Dating on Tinder  even revived her!

MamsatWork also listed a number of dating tips for the dating single mother. And Jeanne describes what it's like for her to start dating online as a widow.

Read also :The aftermath of a broken relationship for you and your child

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