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To school and say goodbye to the nursery, with a letter for the teachers

Rosa's daughter Laura will soon be 4 years old. That is why she said a festive goodbye to the nursery. Laura has always enjoyed it very much and that is why she and Laura decided to write a farewell letter to her teachers. The daycare farewell is of course not nothing!

Table of Contents

Farewell daycare; a note for the teachers

Hello dear teachers,

Since I am now almost four years old, I am going to leave you soon. Finally the time has come, I can go to school and I am very proud of that! I had a very nice time with you at the nursery, so I am also very sorry to be leaving you. I think it's a bit sad too.

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To daycare for the first time

When I was a baby I first ended up in your baby group. I loved that you hugged me so much and read books to me often. Mom was afraid I wouldn't sleep well with you, but it went well. No problem, I took my thumb because I always have it at hand, don't I? I can still remember a time when Mom was very late and I was alone with the teacher. The two of us sat on the couch reading wonderfully. I loved those moments so much. At some point I had outgrown the baby group. I wanted a new challenge. Fortunately, I was able to go to the toddler group.

To the toddler group at the daycare center

There I got new teachers and new friends. And I also thought it was a bit exciting, actually also a kind of goodbye at daycare 😉 . I learned all kinds of new things. And I liked going to the bathroom with you. Really nice such a small pot. At one point I didn't want to wear a diaper. Get rid of it, diapers are for babies, right? Fortunately, it went quickly and thanks to your help I was quickly off the diapers!

The best thing about the toddler group   I think I can play with the dolls, in the kitchen and by train. And have fun tinkering with you. I especially like to play outside a lot because I like cycling and scooters. In the summer we went to the beach together by bus. I liked that so much, splashing about in the water and playing with sand. I like playing with cars, but also real girl stuff like dressing up and braiding hair. You can do that so beautifully, Mom can learn something from that. Saying goodbye to mom or dad always saddens me. Sometimes I have to cry. I want to be with mom and dad, but also with you and with my friends. Anyway, usually a big hug helps, so I'll be happy again soon!

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My friends at the nursery

My great friend is Cas, but I miss him now because he is already going to school. Her farewell daycare has therefore already been. Every now and then I see him at the BSO and I really like that. When I'm there I want to play with everything. Luckily I still have my friends Jildyz and Paula. Enjoy playing together and occasionally rocking things, because there must be something to do! I don't like playing alone, I just find that boring.

Say goodbye to the childcare

What I am very happy about is that you always wrote something in my notebook. Mom saved this one for me. I think it's special to read it again. Sometimes I ask my mom to read it aloud. When I grow up, I can read it again myself and think about the good time with you.

Dear teachers, thank you for this wonderful time. Sometimes I had to cry, but I also really enjoyed this time. I will miss you and my friends very much! Thank you and see you soon.

Lots of love and a big kiss from Laura

Of course we made something delicious to hand out for the farewell nursery! But it remains difficult. Do you also have similar experiences? Did you find it difficult to say goodbye to childcare yourself (and not just for your child)? You are closing a period after all…

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