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continuous schedule; the advantages and disadvantages for your child and yourself at a glance

Times are changing, primary schools are increasingly opting for a continuous schedule, but are you happy with that as a parent? The continuous grid is also called the Hoorns model. With the continuous schedule, students are obliged to stay at school during the afternoon. The break time is counted as school time, which means that children are earlier free from school. Are you happy with that as a parent or not, that will probably depend on your personal situation.

Table of contents

School times during the continuous schedule

With the continuous schedule, a shorter lunch time is chosen, which lasts about half an hour, so that lessons can be taught faster and children are free earlier. Schools individually choose their teaching times for the continuous schedule. While some schools choose to teach until 1:00 PM every day, other schools can teach until 2:00 PM at the latest. There are also schools where classes are taught a little longer, namely until 2.45 pm, but where the children are free on Wednesday and Friday afternoons. You see:even within a continuous schedule, the times of schools can differ enormously from each other.

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The school can choose how to fill in the continuous schedule, as long as it meets the required teaching hours. Usually surveys are conducted with parents in advance to find out what their preference is. In fact, the parent section of the participation council must agree to a change in teaching time. So just entering a new timetable is not allowed.

Advantages of the continuous roster

In this modern age, in which often both parents work, many children are already used to being away from home all day. At school, at childcare or after-school care. In the case of working parents who work all day, a continuous roster can therefore be a perfect solution! I will list the advantages for you.

  • It gives children more peace of mind because everyone in the class stays for lunch at school and no one is picked up.
  • Every child knows where he or she stands.
  • Everyone (usually) stays in class for lunch, so there are no internal moves at school.
  • As a parent, you don't have to go back and forth at noon to pick up your child.
  • As a parent you have the opportunity to work longer in the afternoon.
  • No stress at home in the afternoon.
  • Children have more free time in the afternoon to, for example, meet up with friends, go to sports or play.
  • Teachers can use their time more efficiently.
  • Children and parents only have to go through heavy traffic twice a day to get to school.
  • Younger siblings can take their afternoon nap more easily and only have to take them twice a day instead of 4 times.
  • After-school care has more time for activities.
  • Children do not have to switch from the home situation to the school situation. They stay in one place and therefore don't have the feeling of no sense if they have to go back to school after lunch, because they are already there .

Disadvantages of the continuous roster

  • For some parents it is difficult that school ends earlier, which means that they sometimes have to take more hours of after-school care in connection with their work.
  • You do not know exactly what is eaten and drunk at school by your child(ren). After all, you're not there.
  • Children cannot withdraw from school for an hour at home and rest.
  • Your child is away from home for a long day and such a day can be quite tiring, especially for young children.
  • For teachers, lunchtime is busier and messier.
  • You must ensure that they bring enough food and drink for the whole day.
  • The disadvantage is that the food and drinks often cannot be refrigerated.
  • Are you a stay at home mom? Then there is a chance that you will feel a bit lonely during your lunches 😉 .

Read also: new primary education in the Netherlands, the School of Understanding

Which is better, with or without a continuous schedule?

There is no scientific evidence yet as to what exactly is better for children. Continuous schedule or not. It is difficult to say which school times are best for the children because every child reacts differently to this. Some children can handle such a long day better than others. Studies have shown that many parents and teachers experience more peace of mind in children with the continuous schedule.

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