Family Best Time >> Family

Out of the flags and chasing your child like a hysterical mother

The flags can go out! The house is mine again! I can walk around the house alone again without couchettes, gamers and screaming 8-year-old girls. I love them, of course, but hey… finally I have some peace of mind. Nice! After I had played the hysterical mother this morning, that is….

A great mood and the flags out!

Even though Lotte disappeared to school yesterday, I still had an adolescent at home on the first day of the week. Once they are in high school, everything is different. Not only do they have school holidays two weeks earlier than the rest, but are they also allowed to show up at school a day later than the primary kids! The lucky ones!

But this morning the time had come at the Van de Pas house as well. The sound of the alarm clock was therefore welcomed with open arms! Before I knew it, I rolled out of bed with a big smile and this time also woke up a teenager. His grumbling was completely drowned out by my merry hoots! woohoo. Curtains open… hoppa… light in this darkness!

I had it all figured out already. Daughter to school, take the dog for a walk before my daily morning walk and then work teenage son out the door and drink a delicious cappuccino.

In. All. Rest.
This moment, I've been looking forward to that for days and you probably know that feeling 😉 .

Hysterical mother instead of a quiet cappuccino

Unfortunately, it all went differently than I had planned. Where daughter was no problem, son continued to sit at the table in a kind of zombie pose. Mmm, went to bed too late yesterday. Not to burn ahead.

After repeated 'pushing' and a sandwich behind his molars, the grumbling monster finally went upstairs for a teeth brushing session. He asked if I came to do his hair. Feeling a bit guilty about his late bedtime I naturally want to accommodate him in that so I rig upstairs. In the few minutes he has left to go to school, however, it turns out that I can't give his hair a good twist. He grumbles and eventually gets to work himself because he thinks I'm not good at it.

I'll let him.

The doorbell rings and his friend comes to get him. Quickly grab your bag and out the door. I shouldn't think that I'll get another kiss from him 'in front of others' so I keep my mouth shut and don't ask for anything. I still shout:'Have a nice day!' Once out the door I long for coffee. With milk. I walk to the coffee machine and as I pass my eye catches a lunch box. Shit!

Screaming loudly after my child

Last year I resolved that he would have to figure it out… on the first day of school I don't want him to go to school without food and drink. So like a mad hysterical mother I cycle after him -with lunch box and cup.


Finally I come close -with the beads of sweat on my nose- and I see that he stops. His friend too. “Mom, what is it?” “Your lunch box,” I call. Ohhhh he chuckles… we don't need those today. Rens didn't bring anything either, we get food and drinks at school.


Tomorrow I'll try again to start my cappuccino quietly when the kids are out 😉 .