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What does the babysitter actually think? 7x what he thinks about it.

Parents quickly have their 'judgment' ready when it comes to the babysitter. But what does the babysitter actually think of it? How does she (or he, not to write with blinders) actually see the contact between the parents and themselves? And what do they think is important to know before they come to look after your children. Oudermatch figured it out and shares the babysitter's tips.

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A babysitter at home and out and about, what do you arrange in advance?

As a busy parent you sometimes need time for yourself, we all secretly know that. That's why you've decided to hire a babysitter. Logical! But leaving your children with her for the first time is quite exciting. Especially if you don't know each other well yet. Not only for you, but also for the babysitter, this can be quite exciting. Especially if you have a slightly younger babysitter who comes to look after your children. You want her to feel comfortable so she can do her job well. And of course you also want her to have fun with your children. This is how you prepare your house for babysitting!

1. Of course you always do this in advance!

Perhaps it is a bit redundant; but before hiring a sitter, have a chat with her (or him #oops, there we almost went with our stigmatization again). You want to know what kind of meat you are getting, but the other way around, she wants to be able to get to know the family in peace. This way she gets to know the children and you can both feel if there is a click. Sounds logical, but you may not have realized that the babysitter also needs this.

2. Money matters

Sure, babysitting is fun, but in the end it's all about the extra income for your babysitter. If not, then you may wonder why. Every young person would of course like to earn some extra money as a teenager. The sun rises for nothing, and it doesn't have to.

But… also discuss the hourly wage during the introductory meeting. Young people in particular find it difficult to discuss money matters. But that is of course no reason to leave them in the dark. Before you make a final decision together, the 'finances' must be discussed. That way you both know where you stand. Substantiate why you have chosen the hourly wage that you propose. For example, have you taken into account the amount of work, the age, the number of children and the time that the babysitter is being taken care of?

3. Rules are rules, also for the babysitter

Every family has its own rules and customs. In addition, a nanny is often not a mother and she may not always instinctively make the right choice. Therefore, discuss in advance what your children are and are not allowed to do. What the bedtime is and what boundaries should be drawn. Does your child have allergies, intolerances or does he or she follow a certain diet? Tell the babysitter this and explain what this means and what the possible consequences are or what should be paid attention to.

4. Medical complaints

Be open about your child's medical complaints. Not every babysitter wants or can play nurse. Explain what certain complaints mean and how they are treated. Always do this in advance, so that the babysitter (possibly together with his or her parents) can assess whether it is wise for her to babysit. Also think of something as simple as lice. Even if only to protect her from an itchy head 😉 .

5. The babysitter also eats and drinks

This sounds logical to some, but in practice it is very often forgotten. And then an evening of babysitting can suddenly take a very long time. If you want the sitter to cook a hot meal, make sure there's enough for her to eat with. Not only nice for her, but also so nice for the children that they can all sit down at the table together. And if she's only there for one night, arrange something to nibble on. Even if it's just for the gesture. She will feel welcome and appreciated and that is of course good for the mutual relationship.

6. Curious objects

A nanny spends a lot of time with your family. This gives it a kind of 'private' feeling, but remember that she comes to work at your home. They also like to keep work and private life separate.

Tip:Check the house again and clean up items that you would rather not exhibit to the babysitter. Rule of thumb:If you don't want your own mother to see it, you certainly don't want the nanny tripping over it. And that's how your babysitter feels too! The sitter may not tell you, but it can lead to embarrassing situations. And before you know it, the story is going around the neighborhood, you can't wait for that either 😉 .

7. Respect his/her time

It's annoying when the babysitter cancels at the last minute. Have you ever thought that the other way around? Have your plans suddenly changed and you no longer need the babysitter last minute? Take care of compensation. For example, schedule a new babysitting appointment and then give something extra.

It is also possible that you suddenly need the babysitter. There is a good chance that she already has other appointments. Will she show up? What a great babysitter you have! So give her the appreciation for that 😉 . Think of a tip, a craft from the kids or something extra tasty. That too is certainly appreciated.

Shocked by this view from the babysitter?

That's not necessary. They are -if you think about it- actually very logical things. Don't have a babysitter yet, but are you looking for a good babysitter in your area? Be sure to check out from whom we received these tips.