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Child kisses on the mouth; what do you think, is this possible or not?

Until six months ago, this was the most normal thing in the world for me. Kissing my child on the mouth. When saying good night. When they go to school. When they come home. Actually at the moments when we have to miss each other for a while, or when we see each other again after a while. casual. You'd think there's nothing wrong with it.

Kissing a child on the mouth is really not possible

But lately, more and more sounds are appearing that this is not possible. A while ago I wrote an article about the fact that an English psychologist had said that a kiss on the mouth with your child is really not possible. They would become sexually confused. Of course I had to check that immediately with my children. My oldest was very firm and has been offering his chin for a kiss ever since 😛 . With him, kissing on the mouth is therefore no longer appropriate. But he's starting puberty and I totally get that. So let's do it I guess. He decides.

Daughter, on the other hand, thinks it's completely fine and has no problems with it. Kissing on the mouth with a stranger, or a boy from school, is something she thinks is dirty, but with mom and dad is very normal. She also comes on her own. In that case, there is nothing wrong with kissing your child on the mouth, right?

Victoria Beckham kisses her daughter Harper on the mouth

I'm writing about it again now because this time Victoria Beckham got it wrong. She posted a photo on Instagram where she kisses her daughter on the mouth. Not done so apparently because there is a real debate between followers about whether or not to kiss your child on the mouth. Fortunately, there are also plenty of people who support Victoria and on Instagram you see one photo after another of parents kissing their child on the mouth.

But still something gnaws at me. Imagine… just a little while and then the government will feel compelled to draw up a law about this. Kissing your child on the mouth is prohibited according to Article 3.4 of the Civil Code. Punishment to be imposed:a great community service! I can see it like this, what a chat. To make you sad actually.

When I look around me at the schoolyard, for example, I see nothing but mothers who kiss their child on the mouth before he rushes into the school. It's the most normal thing in the world. How come even this little expression of love is yet another reason for people to fall over. Is there so little love left that we don't even recognize it when we see it?

Your child's feelings

Of course it is important to follow the feelings of your child in this. Your child ultimately determines whether he or she feels comfortable with this form of greeting. If not, you move on to something else. No problem either. A hug, a pat on the head, a kiss on the cheek or a high five. It can all mean the same. As long as someone else doesn't interfere with this. It is the business of child and parent.

Until the moment that you think you see that something about the picture is not right. Only then, but only then, can you open your mouth! Not for a kiss, but to say something…
