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Different forms of childcare at home, the advantages and disadvantages at a glance

There are various forms of childcare at home in the Netherlands. But which one do you choose, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of the various childcare options at home? In this blog we therefore discuss the three most chosen forms of childcare. Of course, this is in addition to the possible possibilities of the playgroup where you can bring your child in the first years.

Table of Contents

Childcare at home, what types do you have and what are the advantages and disadvantages?

The most commonly used ways of childcare at home are:

  1. Guest parent at home
  2. Babysitting at home
  3. Parents for each other

1. Childminder (at home)

A childminder takes care of children at home. Depending on your wishes, this can be done at the host parent or in your own home. The childminder normally has a maximum of six children under her care, and has at least an MBO-2 diploma. Childminders are affiliated with a childminder agency that monitors the quality of the childminders. Every year, someone from the GGD also comes by to inspect the reception location. If you arrange a childminder for the care of your children at home, the costs may differ from the costs they charge if they are a childminder in their own home.

Advantages of a childminder:

  • A childminder is cheaper than a babysitter at home, since you are also entitled to childcare allowance with a childminder. With a childminder you often pay per hour, and not per part of a day or a whole day as with the daycare.
  • Gastouderopvang is a small-scale childcare facility at home. This is especially quieter for babies than a nursery. Due to the small scale, there is also more personal attention for the child.
  • Children are cared for in a homely environment, and it is easier to make fun trips to the petting zoo or the park. It is often also possible that friends from school are allowed to come and play.
  • Child care in case of illness. A child who is a bit flu or feverish can go to a childminder, while they often have to stay at home at a daycare center.
  • A childminder at home as childcare often works flexibly. Many childminders also allow the children to visit during the weekend and sometimes they can even stay overnight. Even if you are a little later with pick up, that is usually no problem.

Disadvantages of a childminder:

  • The small scale of a childminder can be a disadvantage for some children. Especially when they feel the need to play with other children.
  • Many childminders require you to bring your own diapers and food.
  • You are dependent on one person. If the childminder becomes ill, there is not always an alternative. The childminder agency often wants to look for a solution together and sometimes also offer spare childminders in the event of illness.
  • There is often no control through a second pair of eyes. The nanny works alone. This can be a major stumbling block for some parents.

2. Babysitter at home

A babysitter is someone you find and pay for yourself. She does not need any diplomas and is not bound by any rules. You can often find the babysitter via email or through a babysitting site. Because you find the babysitter yourself, you are responsible for the safety and reliability of the babysitter.

Advantages of childcare at home with a babysitter:

  • The reception location is your own home, a confidential environment for your children.
  • You are not bound by any rules and can make appointments directly with the babysitter. What do you think is important, what should she pay attention to? You can determine it together and arrange it how you want it if you arrange this form of childcare at home.
  • You usually pay the babysitter an hourly rate and not in half days (unless you have made other agreements about this).
  • In consultation, the babysitter can also do household chores such as loading and unloading the dishwasher or cooking for the family.

Disadvantages of a nanny at home:

  • There is no supervision by a childminder agency or another institution at home with this childcare. Your nanny is alone with the kids. Of course you can ask someone, the neighbors for example, if they want to keep an eye on things.
  • A nanny is usually more expensive than a childminder. Especially because you are not entitled to childcare allowance.
  • Despite the experience your nanny may have, she does not have a professional background.
  • Even with a babysitter you are dependent on one person. If she becomes ill, you usually have no alternative. Even if there is disagreement, you have no one to fall back on.

3. Parents for each other

The last form of childcare at home that we discuss is that you can arrange childcare mutually with other parents. You can do this by sharing a babysitter or by babysitting each other's children.

Advantages of parents for each other:

  • Major cost savings! When sharing the babysitter, you only have to determine a part of the hourly rate and if you babysit each other's children, you don't pay an hourly rate at all because it's your turn to babysit next time.
  • A lot of fun. The children always play together. It looks like a play date.
  • It is flexible care. If you are a little later, that is usually no problem.

Disadvantages of parents for each other:

  • Not every parent uses the same way of parenting. In some cases you would have to add some water to the wine to make this form of childcare work at home. If you do not agree at all, it is better to choose another form of childcare.
  • There is no supervision by a childminder agency or any other agency. You can only rely on the stories of your children.

In short, there are different types of childcare at home. Take a good look at what suits you, but especially what suits your children. They will eventually spend the most time in the chosen form of childcare at home.