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Listening fairy tales to relax and unwind

How often do you read to the kids? Do they also hang on your lips every day? Most children love to be read to. And it's good for their development too! More on that later. This is in fact not a blog about reading or learning to read ... but about listening fairy tales.

Audio fairy tales are an option that you have on the busy evenings when a story is no longer in it, or if you always fall asleep while reading. Then go for an audiobook, for example. You have your hands free, and the kids don't have to miss their bedtime story. Snoezebol's audio fairy tales are told so beautifully that it's just as fun as when mom or dad read to you!

Table of Contents

Listen to fairy tales and not just read

Is reading to your children a real tradition for you? All together in a onesie under the warm blankets. Children and parents often find it very pleasant. But it's useful too! Reading is of course good for the language development of children. But it also improves their imagination and empathy. And, also a nice bonus:it often makes them very sleepy.

Reading before going to bed is therefore ideal. But there are also evenings when it falls short. And at those moments you can now of course just go for a solution such as the audio fairy tales. Do your children already have audio books at home?

Nice listening:Audio fairy tales by Snoezebol

Does mom not feel like reading again? Daddy don't have time? And are the letters of your favorite book too small for grandma and grandpa? No worries! For children who can never get enough of reading, there are very nice listening fairy tales. A highly sensitive child can also benefit greatly from relaxing with a listening fairy tale. For example, before going to sleep, or when they come home from school. Do you already know Snoezebol?

52 weeks a year you can go on an adventure with Snoezebol. In a real fairytale world, where there is plenty to experience and discover! Every week a new fairy tale that you can listen to as often as you want! Can't sleep your little one? Then you just turn on that sweet fairytale one more time.

How do the audio fairy tales work?

Are you interested in the audio fairy tales of Snoezebol? Then you can take out a subscription on their website. You will then receive a digital audio fairytale every week. Your child can listen to this as often as he or she wants. The fairy tales you have received will be added to your library. From there you can download them, so you can listen to them without internet. Handy, because this way they can also be listened to in the car, if you are tired of the Highway Fairytales. That provides a lot of reading pleasure in a year!

Winning audio fairy tales subscription?

Do you want a chance to win a Snoezebol subscription and beautiful listening fairy tales in your inbox for a year? Then let us know in a comment under this blog who you want to surprise with the fairy tales, and what the favorite fairy tale of the little prince or princess is. And maybe you'll win one of 2 subscriptions to audio fairytales!