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Dating, how was that again? The suffering called "dating"!

Happy single mom, yes. Now I'm definitely not ready to jump into a relationship or even date. On the contrary, I don't want to think about it yet. Yet! Being well prepared is half the battle. How was that dating again? And what about the statement 'the suffering of dating'?

The flirting, the looks, the sneaky phone numbers and the dating itself. I was under the impression that I was in an eternal relationship and that I would not be in this situation again. Not so. And although I say now that I'm really not going to get into it yet, that period will probably come at some point in the future. The pain of dating. You better be well prepared. So a preparatory date blog, are there any more single ladies? Let us know 😉 . Tips? More than welcome!

Table of contents

How do you find that nice guy

How do you find that man? So that seems very simple. But how do you find that man to date? I am in favor of the man as a hunter. Don't run after him, let him run after you. yes right? If I've learned anything it's that if a man really wants you, he'll make an effort for you. If not, I wouldn't put any energy into him either. So playing a bit hard to get seems like an okay game.

Make it a little competition, give him the chance to invest more in you. Unless, of course, you're after sex. Then there are probably enough men jumping 😉 . Type in dating on google, you will find plenty of dating sites and apps, internet dating is, after all, very hip. I even find a site for highly educated people, which is quite discriminatory or not? And tinder of course, who still dates without tinder?

Personally, I think it would be best if you just run into that man in the pub, disco, supermarket, or on a white horse. Not of this time perhaps, but nice. Bit of vintage dating 😉 .

Who is suitable?

Dating, who do you want that with? Who is suitable to join you for a tasty snack or drink? That is of course personal. Maybe you have an image in your head of what your perfect man looks like. I actually don't have that myself. Blonde or dark, brown or white, eye color, I don't really care. Look beyond that striking headline. I think his humor is more important, being able to laugh together is worth a lot to me. Earlier I wrote that I can slide off my chair because of tattoos, but that is perhaps also a bit superficial, isn't it?

Read also: Tattoos and prejudice

A man who opens the door for you, is thoughtful, thinks about you and is genuinely interested in you and what you've done. Look, and if he also looks nice, that's a nice bonus!

What are we going to do and where?

A date is fun and exciting. It's nice if you can do something fun that might make it a bit lighter. When you're busy, it often takes some tension away. If a real do-date is a bit too much of a good thing, I would go for a drink first. Can you indicate how many drinks you drink and how long the evening lasts as far as you are concerned (alcoholic drinks also make it a bit more relaxed).

A dinner is also possible, but realize that you usually sit a little longer at the table. Nice if it clicks, less if you really don't like it at all. Meeting someone at home is not my preference, but that is personal. I know there are plenty of people who do. But even then you get up less quickly, and if it is at your home it can sometimes be quite difficult to kick him out. Maybe it's just safer outside, you never know what might come up with a blind date, for example.

Read also: dating tips for single moms

Finally, some points of attention about the suffering of dating

  • Did you have a nice meal? Offer to pay. Well so neat. If he doesn't want this, simply put your wallet away and thank him.
  • Adjust your outfit to the occasion, not that you go laser gaming in your little black dress with red pumps.
  • Eat normally, we women can feel uncomfortable while eating and suddenly only lust for lettuce to show that you are so healthy. Do not! Men really like it when a woman can just enjoy themselves.
  • I would try to avoid sex on a first date, but hey, each to their own. If you're looking for a relationship, I think it's better to wait. You give the wrong first impression and the chance of a relationship decreases as a result.
  • Don't become a stalker, if he liked the date just as much, he will come along with a message to you. One message after another to him can make you seem desperate. Not attractive.
  • Know that you always, really always have the freedom to leave if it doesn't make you feel good.
  • Do not depend on his transport
  • Last but not least, trust your feminine intuition, we have it for a reason! Your first impression is often the best 😉 .

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