Family Best Time >> Family

YES, I'm officially engaged now, after 10 years together he was sure

After having waited for 10 years it's finally guy has gone down on his knees!! I'm already looking forward to the honeymoon, because when I notice what effect the engagement is already having on us….oelaalaaaaaa. So officially engaged. I'll tell you how it's possible that I didn't notice this!

My first name is naive. Or no, just say stupid. And no, I'm not just saying this about myself, my family can confirm that 😉 . I didn't realize all the preparations that my friend and relatives made. One of the last blogs in which I write friend I now realize, waaaaaah!! *Does a happy dance behind the laptop*.

How they kept it a secret is a mystery to me as each and every one of them doesn't really have Batman skills when it comes to keeping a secret. So the fact that I didn't find out is a good example of…uhhh… yes….stupidity!

Table of contents

Officially engaged; I didn't see that coming

In December 2016, my boyfriend was absolutely certain, 'that wacky thing that patters my ears off my head is going to be my wife'. On March 29, 2017 we had been together for 10 years and we had already agreed with Aunt Nessa and Uncle Iejaah (as Lulu calls them) that Lulu could stay there for a weekend. The first weekend alone since Lu was born so big party for mom and dad! Since this year is my year to plan surprises for our many years together, my boyfriend was having a bit of a rough time. He wanted to propose to me that weekend, but how are you going to do that if you don't even know what the schedule is? So, sneaker the sneak, my sister and sister-in-law got involved; 'What are you going to do?', 'This is more fun!', 'Shall I help?', etc. I happily went into everything and told extensively about my plans, which were casually briefed on to my friend.

Read also: make an original marriage proposal

My schedule for our weekend

Finally I had it; cozy dinner in a Portuguese restaurant. My friend is Angolan and they use Portuguese cuisine there. Then catch a movie, spend a day in Amsterdam, eat good sushi, go to the sauna and have breakfast at the beach. Delicious! Only that was definitely not my friend's plan.

His schedule for our weekend

10 years ago, my boyfriend asked me for a "courtship" on the beach in Scheveningen, so he wanted to propose to me in a restaurant on the beach of Scheveningen. So what was that sneaky person doing? Cozy with me the Thursday before the weekend to the beach:“Ow, look baby! Nice to eat something here! Maybe you should make a reservation there for the weekend!'. So I:oh yeah, much more fun! I chased him away (yes, it had to be some kind of surprise, right?) and then entered the restaurant. There I explained in detail that the table will be decorated by my sister in advance and that champagne must be ready.

Completely satisfied with myself I walked out again. Little did I know that everything was already arranged by my friend. The restaurant knew I was coming to supposedly book a table…..and the Portuguese restaurant? It had long since been canceled by my friend 😉 .

Read also: top 10 hotspots for a marriage proposal

Strange behavior

Two weeks before the amazing weekend, my boyfriend started acting a little weird. He was often not there and could only explain why not with vague excuses. And when he was there, he was absent and frantic on his phone. Well then your woman's heart will beat a little harder and not in the right way let me say. I was like swan-stick and he was frantically trying to get away from me.

Now that I think about it, I could have picked up thousands of hints from him, but I was way too busy thinking about who he was with, who he kept calling/texting when I was away, etcetera. I became angrier and he became more and more happy, but also nervous. Because he officially went to ask my father for my hand (I now know afterwards). Even though my father adores him, he still squeezed him. Surely it's a big deal!

Wondering how he asked for my hand and how could I be so stupid not to notice? Read my follow-up blog next time, then you'll know how I officially got engaged 😉  *smiles happily*.

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