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Infidelity:a matter of subjectivity

Where does infidelity start? Vast question with 100 answers or no answer... According to a recent survey carried out by the dating site edarling on 743 of their members, it is not surprising that infidelity is above all a question of subjectivity.

When does one become unfaithful?

We often make the shortcut:deception =sexual relationship (with the one who does not occupy our sofa every night therefore). But we should not forget that there is still, most of the time, a long way to go before biting into the apple.

When 27% of French people consider that infidelity begins with text messages that are a little hot from the buttocks that we exchange, almost as many respondents (22%) think that we cheat from the moment we kiss the object of sin. Something to disturb our friend Julien maqué who makes the grand slam of the shovel every evening. And opinions are so divided on the issue that "only" 23% of singles surveyed associate infidelity with sex.

But emotional infidelity also exists:14% of French people think that fantasizing is already cheating. Yeah. If you can no longer imagine yourself doing somersaults with your new colleague in the canteen... The same proportion consider that infidelity begins as soon as you fall in love.

Sexual infidelity and emotional infidelity:what's worse?

53% of French people think that it is more serious (in terms of consequences) to sleep with someone other than to fall in love (47%). The opinion is more decided among men, who are 57% to find sexual infidelity more serious, against 51% of women.

It is true that the question arises. Without going into the infidelity debate (serious? Not serious? Good for the couple?), don't you really leave someone anymore by falling in love with another? Isn't the damage already done when you have feelings for another? Can sleeping with someone else just be a mistake along the way, without much meaning?

Good. Indeed it depends on everyone, but we are waiting for your comments.