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10 things you can do to REALLY comfort a friend who just got dumped

How many times have you wanted to make an angry face (like this) at a friend who told you after your breakup "One lost, 10 found", "you'll find someone else!" (But I want yaaaas!) or "it's that you were not made to be together! and "He doesn't know what he's losing!" (thank you, that gives me a good leg up). So, to REALLY cheer up a friend, here are 10 tips:

1. Pass her tissues. Sadness is a bit like a bad cold where you have to blow your nose thoroughly to get everything out*. For her to pass, she has to come out and throw the balloons all the way. Go see it and just listen to it. She needs to talk, just talk, without advice. That will be another step. In the meantime, plan a top that resists stains.

2. Give her some chocolate. It's always (a little) good for morale...

3. Be his temporarily his surrogate boyfriend. We're not asking you to kiss her or go further with her, huh! But to show her that you are there for her, more than ever, by sending her a nice text message a little funny in the morning when you wake up and a "big kiss" before going to bed.

4. Help him vent his anger. Anger is the second stage of grief. To pass it faster, do not hesitate to go in the direction of your friend, by adding tons of it to make her laugh and to make her understand in passing that she is perhaps doing a little too much:"Yeah you are right ! He's a real bad guy! A dirty guy! If I was a queen, I would have burned it just for you, no kidding! It's shameful to do this to YOU! ". And why don't you both go and do a sport that lets off steam, like self-defense or a sumo competition (with the disguise and all)?

5. Ask her out. "Come on, enough is enough now!" It's been three days since you made your vampire and the sun is still shining outside! Move your ass, head for the shower, and I'll offer you a good hot chocolate on the terrace (it's my round). Zouh! This way she will see that despite her heartache, the world continues to turn and she will also take plenty of vitamin D which is good for morale.

6. Make her laugh. Is there a funny movie in the cinema right now or a great play? Surprise him by inviting him!

7. The weekend with friends. A great way to get away from those memories, take a step back from it all and refocus, while having a good time. In addition, on Biba, we offer you lots of great plans so you don't spend too much.

8. Intervention. That's six your friend really can't turn the page after several months. With your army of super girlfriends, you ring her doorbell and you explain to her, as in How I met your Mother, that it is an intervention. There, you read her a letter where you explain to her with humor why her behavior worries you, then you help her get rid of her ex's business, you practice with her one or more techniques that allow you to exorcise yourself. of a man (see our article) and you conclude the whole thing with good cocktails.

* The author of this article apologizes for this unsavory metaphor, but it was the one that seemed to her to be the most effective. Thank you for your understanding.