Family Best Time >> Family

children's questions; you can sweep me up after 5 minutes who, what, where, why

“Mamaaaaa.” I wake up with a start and hear Little Man cry. Like lightning I fly into his bedroom. He is sitting up straight in his bed. I rub his back. “What's the matter buddy?” “Spiders came into my room.” “Spiders?” I ask in surprise. "But that's not possible at all." Little Man looks at me inquiringly. "Why not?" "Because it says on the door:no spiders allowed." "But…" Yes… the children's questions have started again 😉 .

There is silence for a moment. He works hard in his upstairs room. “How do they know?” “Because spiders can read.” “But…how then?” “They just can. But now we go back to sleep. Turn on your side.” I tuck it in nicely, dim its light, and walk out of the room. "Truste." I can still hear him softly truste say.

Ask children...

There is a flu epidemic. This time it knocks me out and I'm in bed with a high fever. “Mommy, why are you sick?” Good question.

"Are you going to die mom?" "No, I just have the flu and I'll be back in a few days." "But...the mom of the others did die, didn't it?'

Shit. "Yes dear, but she was ill otherwise. Very sick. And she couldn't get any better.' 'Why not?' 'Because… well, even grown-ups don't know that.' 'What did she have then?'

Why all those children's questions?

“She was so sick that no doctor could make her better.” “But Mom?” “Yeah-haaa.”

What now?

"We're not going to die, are we? You and I never die, do you?” “Everyone dies. You and me too. But hopefully that will take a very long time.” “Why…” “Shall we talk about nicer things now?”

Mommy, I have to poop

“I have to poop.” Why , I want to shout, but I sit up in bed. Little Man rushes to the toilet and takes off all his clothes. “Why do you keep taking your clothes off when you have to poop?” I ask, irritated. "I just like that. And now close the door.”

Little Man sits down comfortably and I look at my phone. Then I hear him speak softly. I tiptoe to the door and push it open a little. I hear a deep sigh. That shit will be quite annoying.

"Will she be able to talk to the moles too?" Does he really think that when you're dead you can talk to the moles? How do I explain this now? Another sigh and a moan. The turd must be on its way. "I'm going to ask where heaven is later." I hear him mumble.

Yes, and then he will ask again why heaven is heaven. Do I know?!

And on with those children's questions

Little Man washes his hands after the big errand and rushes at me. Now it's coming...and my head is about to explode.

“Mom, we're getting married later, aren't we?” “Certainly,” I answer firmly. Great, we've changed the subject. "But at school they say you can't marry two people. You are already married to daddy. Why can't you marry me now?' 'I asked the boss of the country and I can still marry you too.'

'Who's in charge of the country?' 'The King.' 'What's his name?' 'King Willem Alexander.' 'Isn't his name Jesus?' 'No, I didn't think so.' 'But…' In his head is working hard again. ‘Jesus is dead too, isn’t it?’

Let's go again.

"Jesus, can get up again, he will do that at Easter." "How?" I wonder that too. “Who killed Jesus then?” No!! hellupp. “How did you get to all this?” “I got it from school.”

Who, what, where and why? Just ask the teacher.'

With a deep sigh I let myself fall over into the pillows. I feel half-dead but happy am I back alive in a week. How? By leaving me alone.

