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Love:here is the love behavior that would predict a divorce according to science

Oh love . It is as good as painful . Indeed, when love is at the rendezvous, we are in angel . But as soon as he leaves, he is a source of anxiety and sadness . Love is sometimes downright cruel. The reasons for the disenchantment ? They are multiple. Betrayal, routine which leads to a feeling of weariness, too many quarrels or distance. But according to science, there is a behavior that would be conducive to divorce (or separation) and that we would never have suspected was harbinger a break. It is the overflow of affection. Really? Wondering how that's possible? Here is the explanation.

The passion of the first days may well destroy the love of the last days

Published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , the study assumes that a passion too important from the beginning of a relationship increased the chances of rupture later. To achieve this result, a team of researchers followed 168 couples for thirteen years in order to know the key to a marriage that lasts or, on the contrary, to a marriage without a future. “As newlyweds , couples who divorced after seven or more years were almost dizzyingly loving , showing about a third more affection than spouses who were subsequently happy housekeeping" so write the researchers.

For Madeleine Mason Roantree, a psychologist specializing in romantic relationships, this result is not a surprise. “Some people get caught up in the excitement of starting a relationship , hence the term "love makes you blind" , but we know that the infatuation, the passion , are not states possible in the long term. Once that disappears, you have to look at what remains between the two people, and if there are no other links than passion, then the relationship risk of collapsing" she explained in the columns of The Independent .

Either we reassured you, because your partner is not very expansive, or we made you anxious because your partner was very quickly. In any case, remember that in love, there is no exact science.