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Love:here is the time needed to recognize your future partner

You looked for it. You tried. And yet, the man of your life still hasn't shown up. And each time you knew? You felt that he was not THE good . You were right to trust your instinct . Besides, this article is the good excuse to tell the creepy guy who sends you signals from the other side of the bar for an hour now, that you are sure, between you and him, it will not be possible . If for a long time the male sex had fun saying that we had a paranoid and ultra-sensitive side , today, we can proudly say that these two sides have helped us to trust our intuition.

Observing flies to better understand our behavior

According to a study conducted by the University of Case Western Reserve in Ohio, we could recognize the love of our life in justfifteen minutes . Or at least, the man with whom we want to go a long way. To reach this conclusion, the researchers used flies . These would share60% of common genes with us. They were therefore observed at the time of their reproduction. Result:after fifteen minutes, the female flies agree or not to be seduced. "The woman accumulates all the sensory information that she has gleaned in a short time and when she reaches a certain level of arousal, she makes her choice" explain the researchers in the columns of the Telegraph.

Although this is a serious study, there are of course exceptions. These would be at the "Dati" gene , which can undergo a mutation and therefore push us to indecision. So don't panic, if you liked this person but didn't feel anything after fifteen minutes , it does not necessarily mean that you have to let go.

PS:if after three dates you are still so bored, then you have to ask yourself questions.