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Heartbreak ? Here are the sometimes improbable but ultra comforting foods to eat to overcome depression

Feelings, joy, happiness, but also pain and tears. All those little things that make up a big concept:love. We meet a person, we discover them, we create a relationship, we live strong moments, and sometimes, everything stops. What we've built is crumbling and so are we. It is also a non-reciprocal crush which we have to face. If for some the emotional break is a step that does not scare them, for others it can be more complicated to overcome . No matter what got us into heartache , the most important thing is to overcome it. For that, nothing better than food. Always present for us, she knows how to cheer us up. She will show us that we can still count on her, thanks to her anti-depression foods . Here are those to consume to comfort us.

Anti-depression foods:these allies against heartache

We tend to believe that comfort foods are the fattest. It's not the food as such that makes us feel good, it's what it contains. If you love chocolate so much in times of depression, it's not just for its gluttony, it's also for its magnesium . It is an essential mineral that helps us maintain our energy and reduce our anxiety.Quinoa and cashew nuts , will have the same effect. If the sugar is essential in your moments of depression, do not rush on your tub of ice cream. Opt for bananas instead , pineapple or hazelnuts . Their vitamin B6 content is good for our mood, and unlike Nutella, we won't feel bad once the sugar dose has gone down. We can also count on the proteins in eggs and meat , but also on vitamin B12 found in oysters and sardines . iron and vitamin B1 in the mushrooms will be our allies to fight irritability. Finally, as surprising as it may be, Brussels sprouts and asparagus know how to boost us.