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The stronger sex:5 times why the ladies are anything but weaker

So for centuries we were known as the weaker sex, but no more! We think women are the stronger sex. We used to not be allowed to go to school. Not work. And definitely don't vote. Because hey, what could you possibly leave to a woman? Yes, we had our counter. And dirty diapers. And that was that. That is different today. Now we work like guys, and often get the household involved too. But hey, we can take it † Because we are not the stronger sex for nothing.

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Girl Power; the stronger sex

Yes, nowadays we women stand our ground. We've always done that, of course. But now we just take all the hay on our fork. We go to school, study, work. Have a family life. And preferably also some friends and hobbies. In short:we are busy with it. Leisure? Well, we do have it… somewhere 😉 .

Yet we keep our chins up. Our shoulders straight. We don't complain (well, well okay, sometimes 😉 ), but we just keep going. That's why this blog:an ode to girl power, to the stronger sex. And a punishment of that eternal title:the “weaker sex”. We women are the stronger sex. And why? You can read that below.

The stronger sex:5x the superpowers of women*

* Or actually:proof that the man is above all not stronger

All right, let's look at the facts. A centuries-long struggle for women's emancipation teaches us that men don't just give up. Those guys still consider themselves the stronger sex. Painful. Well, we'll have to convince them. Here we go ladies!

1. Women are getting older

The first fact that the stronger sex may not be the man? Simple:women get older. Okay, okay:lifestyle might have something to do with this too. Yet. Women live about 5 years older than men. And that's not nothing, isn't it?

2. Women don't behave

Have you ever seen a man with the flu? Or even more amusing:a man with a hangover? Oh wow, they are so pathetic. Like baby birds they lie shivering under a blanket. We even wrote a blog about men with the flu before. A phenomenon in itself:affecteritis in men.

If men are supposed to be the stronger sex, that's kind of in line with these symptoms. We don't want to act tough here, but to be honest:women are tougher. Even when it comes to the flu.

3. Women give birth to children

To build on the previous fact:if a man already half-deaths from the flu, do you see him give birth to a child? That would be a caesarean section in advance. Preferably under general anesthesia please, Doctor. Which men were it again who underwent the test what it is like to give birth? Oh, Dennis and Valerio, I almost shit my pants laughing .

In nature it is usually arranged that, within families, the strongest shoulders bear the heaviest burdens. And who will be given the fine task of enduring childbirth? Yes, the stronger sex. Just saying .

4. Girls do better in school

For centuries, women were not allowed to go to school. Probably only because the boys were afraid of not being top of the class anymore. Because what turns out? Girls do really well in school. Whether it's because they're concentrating better or just really smarter, who's to say? In any case, women are on the rise. But are they also the stronger sex, I hear you think? Isn't that the smarter sex? You have a point. Only nowadays we don't have much use for stupid power anymore. So evolutionarily is smarter just stronger. Beat that, boys !

5. Women always move on. Always!

Okay, so we're making progress. Nice observation! It was also necessary, after centuries of oppression. But are we already the stronger sex? Or are we still in the process of becoming that? Well ladies (and gentlemen):if the previous points haven't convinced you, here's one last point. Women don't give up. They just keep going. Also on weekends. Or during holidays. Free time, real free time:what is it?

Eventually we will relax with a glass of wine on the terrace. But then there is laundry in the machine and the dog is out for a walk. girl power! And then enjoy. While enjoying a who-is-the-strong-sex discussion with hubby perhaps? You must have finished your word with the above 5 tips!