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The future faking:here is the new love practice to flee urgently!

You just met him . You get along wonderfully and, what a surprise, everything he whispers in your ear is what you dreamed of hearing. It's been two weeks that you are dating and yet he already has a lot of joint projects . These projects, they are with you . All. He projects himself and includes you in all his desires for the future. He wants to go to Barcelona, ​​in a week, with you. He wants to organize a dinner party with his closest friends so you can meet them. In short, he has it all planned out. And you are frankly under the spell . And, we can't blame you. A man who takes the lead is always appreciated. But doesn't that bode something fishy when he projects so much in such a short time? Let it be said, if on the contrary , we were making plans on the comet with a crush of ten days , the crush in question would take to its heels. And frankly, we couldn't blame him. In short, if you are in this situation, be careful, you may be a victim of “future faking” a new amorous trend that narcissistic perverts delight in. Them again.

"Future faking" is a technique of "seduction (if you can call it that), which establishes a connection link through projection into the future. In this way, the person who uses this technique, will win or at least, hope to win your admiration . In essence, the man you have in front of you is trying the trick of the romantic film and transposes it onto you, making you believe mountains and wonders . And more often than not, it works. As psychologist Greg Kushnick explains to the media Health , “in most situations, this is unintentional. Many narcissists are very impulsive when it comes to having feelings in love . And in that impulsiveness, they promise someone the world” . In most cases, the person you have in front of you is therefore not ill-intentioned . In fact, she actually means everything she tells you. Until she realizes it's not possible.

How do you know if you are a victim of "future faking"?

Between love and the "future faking" there is only one step. You just need both of you to be really excited and everything can go very quickly . But, there are unmistakable signs that you absolutely must pay attention to if you don't want to fall from ten floors . First of all, the runaway, when it occurs, it is experienced by two. You have to be on the same wavelength to project yourself. Here, this is not the case. Clearly, if he talks to you about marriage and children after the second meeting, flee . You think you're in your favorite romantic comedy and the person you have in front of you tells you how good it is to have such encounters. That he hadnever lived that before. He lies. And he shows narcissism . Again, flee . It does not leave you space and you have the impression of always having to respond to the detriment of your daily life? It does not smell good. Finally, you are perfectly able to see that he absolutely does not know how to answer his responsibilities and that he does everything to postpone the deadline of his promises. You understand, this is not love. So, once again:FLEE!