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The lovers' tree:soon in your city?

The padlocks of love bring down the Pont des Arts? So, to allow lovers to be able to continue to hang this symbol of love in their city, the jeweler Mathieu Tournaire offers... a lovers' tree! An idea that "will thus reconcile the gesture of love, and respect for street furniture", he assures.

Designed and made by sculptor Marcel Sénéchal, this steel tree took three months to complete. No need to clutter the rivers or the soil with the key! "A strong symbol of the ritual, the key that is traditionally thrown into the water, when making a wish, will be deposited in the trunk of the tree", notes Mathieu Tournaire.

Love padlocks definitely inspire the jeweler, already known for his "Lock and Love" padlocks:

A good idea to (im)plant

The idea? May cities have a whole place dedicated to love. "The lovers' tree can be planted in all public places; in all the towns of France. A complete file of this project has also been sent to the cities of Paris and Lyon, "explains the jeweler. By the way, Seoul and Moscow have already adopted it!

“Spread the information, so that you have a chance one day to see the tree of lovers establish itself in your city and also come there (re) to declare your love! “, he launches on his site. A good hearing!

In any case, we, "France, country of love trees", we like it!