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Some people would organize their love life according to the seasons

We have recently known that the changes of season influence the mood, but love, that, we did not know. Well not completely, since a recent British study affirms that liaisons between colleagues begin more often in winter. The social phenomenon called the "Seasonal Dating Disorder" across the Channel, understand the "Seasonal love disorder", confirms the idea that there are times of the year more conducive to reconciliation:some people would actively seek a •e partner to warm up and be sexually satisfied during the colder months, and would easily abandon the latter easily when the summer heat returns to experience a season of lust. This would be particularly visible among “millenials”, that is to say young people aged 20 and over. For psychologist Madeleine Mason, this behavior would have a very precise meaning:“ Singles who function like this are incapable of committing. They use the summer, fun and friends to justify their decision, but in reality they fail to create lasting romantic bonds “, she explains to The Independent .

After 3 months of relationship, boredom

And they themselves would not be aware of this inability to build a serious relationship. “They have the illusion that they can settle down whenever they want, but that is not the case, and they realize it when they finally want a serious relationship. That's when they walk through the door of my office “, continues the expert. So how do you know if you are part of this category of the population? There are 4 typical symptoms of this phenomenon which, like ghosting or breadcrumbing, is not officially recognized in psychology:it is unthinkable for people with seasonal love disorder to spend Christmas or New Year's Eve alone An, which is why they strive to find a partner in the fall. Secondly, they start to get tired or feel trapped around Valentine's Day (or after 3 months of a relationship more generally) and make sure to spend less and less time together. Then, the idea of ​​being single relieves them and the breakup follows, either because they asked for it or because they provoked it. If you have acted like this over the past 3 years, then there is no longer any doubt:you organize your love life well according to the seasons!