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Why do some people spy on their exes on Facebook more than others?

Because we're a bit masos, after a breakup, yes, we sometimes find ourselves all of a sudden with our finger on the mouse, clicking on our ex's Facebook/Instagram page "just to see" . Obviously, then, we start crying with a friend who blows our noses on a pot of ice cream that comforts us, because her smiling photos, with lots of outings and girls, it hurt us badly. But why do we put ourselves through this? According to researchers at the University of Hawaii and Ohio, serial stalkers are - at best - passionate women (olé) and - at worst - women with an "emotional dependent" tendency (ouch).

To study this phenomenon, the researchers brought together 150 men and 281 women aged 18 to 42. All had experienced a breakup in the year and sometimes looked at the profiles of their exes on Facebook. Next, they asked them questions about the breakup (finding out who left whom, whether the breakup was painful or not) and analyzed their relationship and attachment "styles".

Balance sheet? According to the results, those who have a profile close to the affective addict, and in particular those who have been left, are more likely to stalk. In short:the more we suffer, the more we stalk. The perverse effect? The more you stalk, the more you suffer, note the researchers who point out that this connection (especially if you remain "friends" on Facebook) "leads to a demoralizing spiral". Their advice? “Individuals who are having a hard time with their breakup should consider disconnecting from the ex-partner, either temporarily or permanently. That, we couldn't agree more!