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Are you REALLY in love? A scanner answers for you!

Ok, it's not going to be very easy to use this technique every day but the study, published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience is interesting enough to be underlined. Yes, thanks to Chinese and American researchers, we know a little more about amûûûr…

"A brain map of love":this is what our scientists have come up with. By studying the brains of 100 college students, divided into "The Lovers", "Those Coming Out of a Breakup" and "Those Who Have Never Been in Love", the researchers noticed that certain areas of the brain intensified their activity when is in love , such as the areas of reward and motivation. Better:the more these areas experience intense activity, the longer the couple would be together for a long time...and would be likely to remain so, say the researchers.

More incredible:researchers would be able to know who stayed with someone for a long time before being dumped, just by looking at their brain activity! And for good reason:the activity of these same areas would now be very low... (great! We've already lost a guy, you also have to have the brain behind!!!)

For the researchers, the discovery is incredible:"This is the first time that we can empirically show that love has an impact on brain function. »

They don't want to lend us a bit of their scan, suddenly, just so that we pass the brains of the next guys over it so that we don't come across talkers or guys still in love with their ex???