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A schedule for school? With me they get a household schedule!

All nice and nice, but after three weeks of husband and children in the house, I know who is making the most mess here. I won't say that things are always spick and span here, but the rest of my family is quite an asset when it comes to the current mess in the house! I don't know about you, but I made a schedule myself. Not a homework schedule, but a household schedule for the children. Only saves a few letters!

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A household schedule for my children

Thanks to the inspiration of the teachers who have drawn up a schedule full of daily and weekly tasks for my children. I have learned from it and decided that I will draw up a schedule myself. A bit à la the schedule of chores for children that I used for a while years ago but which of course has fallen into oblivion. No sooner said than done. A household schedule for my children. Indispensable for every motherfucker 😉 .

Why shouldn't I put them to work?

The schedules that my children have received from school are very doable. My daughter is ready with a few hours a day. I think she spends an average of 2 hours on her homework schedule. Then there's enough time left over for other tasks in my household schedule, isn't it?

It's even worse with my son… he no longer has any work from school. As a final exam candidate, he will receive a Corona diploma if all goes well and to date he has spent about 5 hours on homework that has still been passed on. But now the pool of orders has dried up and we have to wait for the pass and pass scheme from the Ministry.

So I have to do my best to entertain my kids, to keep them off the tablets and phones in the hope that at the end of the day I still have some idea of ​​what I've done in education. And I do that through my household schedule for the children. In addition, they are the major polluters in the house in the field of dishes, laundry, bathroom perils and so on. So in fact it is only natural that they do their part.

'But maaaaam we don't have to do that otherwise, do we?'

That was thrown at me on day 1, but now they do what is asked of them, provided I remind them about 5 times a day. The best chores for the kids of the household schedule in my opinion are cooking the food and walking the dog in the evenings and feeding the animals. A big thank you to the clock that has been moved again so that it is light longer in the evening and I can let them walk the dog in the evening! They only need to vacuum in the office and the chill area, because the Roomba e5 does its job every night in the living room.

In addition, I thoroughly enjoy that the children have one 'cooking day' every week. Besides that the kids have a cooking day, I also put my hubby to 'work'. No more than normal that he now also contributes his part, right? He has not had any travel time for three weeks, so he can also cook once a week.

Chores in the household schedule for the children

And let's face it, the household schedule isn't that spectacular for them. Vacuuming a bit, cooking dinner once in a while, walking the dog every now and then and cleaning up their own room. It's all going really well, so I've now decided that in a week or two, if they are still at home, I will increase the tasks a bit.

In this way it remains nice for mom that the children and husband are all at home. .