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Relationship tips:the first seven years are crucial in a relationship

If you are in a relationship, you would do well to read the article below. Maintaining a relationship well means working on yourself and working on and with each other, so that you grow old together. The first seven years are crucial here. Those who survive the first seven years will have a greater chance of a relationship that will last. Hence this article with relationship tips:the first seven years are crucial in a relationship, but also tips to keep your relationship going afterwards.

The famous pink glasses

If you're just starting a new relationship, you'll usually see the other person through rose-colored glasses. You only see the good points in each other, are willing to put money and energy into the other. In short:you often pretend to be a bit better than you are (consciously or not), so that the other person gets a skewed image. Every effort is also made to keep the partner interested.

The first time (this differs per person) will be dominated by a feeling of love, butterflies in the stomach and logic that is often set aside, for a rosy picture. This is quite normal and part of it. Enjoy it while it lasts.

But also make sure you keep things in perspective:keep in mind that you might be disappointed once the first crush falls. If you keep this in mind, you will be less likely to be disappointed.

When the butterflies in the stomach come to rest

Over time, you will see things more in perspective and the relationship will move into calmer waters. Enjoy this period too. A relationship will often become more profound during this period and the next serious step in a relationship may be considered.

Also, less intensive attention is now paid to each other and every now and then things come up that you had not (wanted to see) seen from the other before. Remember that this is part of it and try to work on it together if things start to happen that annoy you. Even now it is important that you continue to pay attention to each other. Maybe it will be a little less than before, but attention is still crucial. After all, you are now more sure of each other and that ensures peace in life.

The relationship becomes a habit

There will come a point in the relationship when you will start to see everything as a habit. It's normal to wake up next to each other, you know each other better and you can better deal with each other's shortcomings or not. Keep enjoying each other and realize that it is not as common as it seems. Reconsider your love every day with eyes that express that he/she is still special. Could you use some more tips for more romance? I share 12 tips for a romantic evening with your partner.

The relationship has become a rut

Often this happens after a number of years and you see the relationship sinking into a rut. Your partner is part of your life, just like eating and drinking, showering, working, etc. This can cause a lot of problems, especially when one of the partners is dissatisfied or thinks that everything comes from one side.

You are so used to each other that small things can lead to a banging argument. You avoid each other and the bed may still be shared, but with a certain distance between them.

Relationship tips:the first seven years are crucial in a relationship

Scientific research has shown that the first seven years in a relationship are crucial. Those who get through the first seven years have a good chance of a long-term and happy relationship. To keep a relationship healthy, exciting and fun, here are some tips to work on your relationship:
1. Keep in mind that your partner is special with all his/her shortcomings
2. You too make mistakes! So work on yourself, nobody is perfect
3. Think back to those early days. Sometimes it helps to take the time, with pen and paper in hand, to write down points about why you fell in love with the other person. Do this together and show the points to each other. This often rekindles the first "fire" and will provide a healthy new impulse in the relationship.
4. Keep surprising each other, even with small things.
5. Work on points that bother your partner.
6. Do something completely different:why persist in the daily grind? Do something completely different:aren't you a kitchen prince(ss)? Put in the effort and put an easy 3-course dinner on the table. Do something crazy that deviates from your standard daily ritual:have lunch together between work or make an 'exciting' appointment with each other. In short, just something that deviates from the daily grind.

7. Continue to pay attention to your appearance. This applies not only to the woman, but also to the man.
8. It is often more difficult when there are children, but make sure that despite everything, you still make time every now and then to do something fun with just the two of you. This does not necessarily have to be outdoors:leave the children with grandma/grandpa or babysitter and watch a nice movie together, treat each other with a massage or take the time to pamper each other in bed (even if that is by appointment).
9. Listen to each other and don't live past each other
10. Of course everyone will know his/her job at home, but sometimes it is also necessary to switch jobs or do business together (even though you may not feel like it). Get to work in the garden together, change the decor in the house, etc.
11. Scientists have discovered that people who game together (Wii, Playstation, X box or whatever) stay together longer. 12. Do fun things together and not separately. Why would you each go to the gym separately? Can't you change your diet together (men also get overweight, the so-called beer belly)? Why do things with the children separately, when you can do it together? In short:spend quality time TOGETHER!

Do you have any additional relationship tips to keep things exciting and fun? Let me know