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Becoming a grandparent for the first time:3 tips for living it well

Becoming a grandparent for the first time:3 tips for living it well

Becoming a grandparent for the first time is not something trivial, far from it! If the arrival of the first grandchild is a source of joy and pleasure, it also arouses in many new grandparents apprehension, many questions and, sometimes, the fear of growing old. Completely normal and legitimate feelings that can be remedied. Our 3 tips for coping well with becoming a grandparent for the first time.

Don't be afraid to grow old when you become a grandparent for the first time

Giving birth to her first child is an important and significant step in life, as are the moments when her children leave home to live their adult lives. Becoming a grandparent for the first time is just as important, but for different reasons.

When they find out that they are going to be grandparents for the first time, many “freak out” at the thought of seeing themselves grow old. The birth of grandchildren inevitably raises a level in the genealogical rung! And it's not always easy to accept when you still feel young, while already being seniors.

An apprehension often expressed by not wanting to be given nicknames such as "grandpa" and "granny" when one becomes grandparents for the first time, pet names, even if they are affectionate in reality, which inevitably refer to one's own grandparents whom one has the impression of having always seen old, with white hair... It is for this reason in particular that many new grandparents are called today by their first names by their grandchildren.

The important thing, in fact, is not to change when you become a grandparent for the first time. Staying yourself, especially if you still feel dynamic and young in your head, is the guarantee of living as best as possible the arrival of your first grandchildren.

Don't take the place of educator, stay in that of grandparent!

Becoming a grandparent for the first time does not mean replacing parents! Your role is not to educate your grandchildren as you were able to do with your children. Especially since your children most certainly have different educational principles, even opposite, to yours.

Your age, the advancement of society, among other things, necessarily mean that we do not raise a child today in the same way as yesterday. If you want to avoid conflicts with your children concerning the education of your grandchildren, it is necessary to find a point of balance by positioning yourself in particular behind everything that may affect, for example, politeness, deportment, to the sleep, etc., of your grandchildren.

A position it is true that it is a little more difficult to hold, especially for a grandmother whose daughter has just given birth to the first grandchild of the family. A grandmother logically has much more difficulty, in fact, than a new grandfather, in leaving aside her "old" role of mother.

The role of a grandparent is in fact precisely to bring to his grandchildren something different from the parents, among others. Grandparents have more time, even if seniors today are very busy, to offer activities such as cooking, gardening, cultural visits, etc., which require availability, desire and above all give the possibility of sharing intense moments with their grandchildren without the constraints of everyday life.

Take your role as family history transmitter to heart

You are grandparents for the first time and it is now up to you to take on the role of transmitters of your family history.

Take advantage of your experience and maturity to take this role to heart. You now have a bit of the role of the "wise man" in the family and it is up to you to tell your grandchildren where they come from.

Stories and memories to tell, songs from your childhood to hum and teach them, photos that you will enjoy looking at and sharing with your grandchildren during the special moments you will spend with them. and which, for sure, will bring you joy and delicious moments as grandparents, especially for the first time. Moments that grandchildren will always appreciate and that remain in their memory, to pass them on in turn when they also become grandparents!