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Fire-cutting grandparent:what should we think of this gift?

Fire-cutting grandparent:what should we think of this gift?

France has nearly 6,000 fire cutters throughout its territory and thousands of people call on them each year. The fire cutters have the ability, without medical intervention, to relieve and soothe burns in particular thanks to the simple laying on of their hands and the recital of a few prayers which remain mysterious and unknown, except for the fire cutters who transmit their gift from generation to generation. If, as a grandparent, you are lucky enough to master this gift, or this technique for some, you have a serious asset, burns in small children in particular are unfortunately commonplace. Being able to relieve their pain in a few minutes is really a chance for those around you!

What is a fire cutter?

We speak of a fire cutter to designate people who have the ability to soothe the burns and the pain or traces that result from them simply by laying their hands on the place to be treated. Some fire cutters also exercise their gift from a distance.

This is a rather mysterious practice which does not involve any medical treatment but which nevertheless most often has the effect of eliminating pain, especially that related to burns which can even be significant (1 er and 2 th degrees), in a short time, usually a few minutes.

This enigmatic gift is explained by fire cutters, and those who try to understand this phenomenon, by their ability to play and influence the energies of the body. By thought, by the laying on of their hands and often also by prayers, fire cutters transmit their energy to ameliorate the physical pains of those who come to them.

Very concretely, in the event of a burn, during his intervention on a person who is suffering, the fire cutter, by the imposition of his hands and the prayers he recites, feels at the level of his own hands the heat due to the burn then, after a few minutes, this heat turns into cold as if he had chased away the sensation of heat from the burnt person and recovered it in his own body. The fire cutter then proceeds to wash his hands under cold water and/or evacuate this heat which he has "recovered" by drinking plenty of water.

A technique that works very well according to the people who have benefited from it. This gift is even recommended today by some doctors themselves, in particular for their cancer patients to relieve their possible burns due to radiotherapy and even the undesirable and uncomfortable effects of chemotherapy. This is why it is not uncommon today to see the contact details of firefighters or other healers displayed in hospital waiting rooms.

Fire cutter:a gift... or something else?

Fire cutters, who are also called fire helmsmen or sometimes healers, and who are most often men, have existed since the dawn of time. Many of them are found among older people, certainly because of their greater experience in the matter, although it is said that this gift of soothing burns and pains is passed down from generation to generation.

This gift, which seems to work in many cases, has never found a scientific explanation. This is why the most Cartesian refuse to resort to a cutter of fire because they doubt their power. When others, without rational explanations on the phenomenon, easily rely on the fire cutters claiming that at worst he will not be able to relieve them but, in any case, he will not hurt them!

Be careful however, as in all alternative medicine, charlatans also take advantage of it to abuse the suffering people who come to see them...

Anyway, gift or placebo effect? It's up to everyone to decide!