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How to Be Sure My Child is Happy:Tips for Every Age.

How to Be Sure My Child is Happy:Tips for Every Age.

More than academic success, making your child a fulfilled being is THE parental concern. How can you be sure that this is the case? Here are tracks for each age.

My experience as a teacher and as a mother of 3 children dictates the following points to me:give the child time to cross at his own pace the different stages of his growth, by awakening him without over-stimulating him, by promoting his academic performance without this being the only objective, by making him resourceful without being too precocious.

Concretely, what does it give? How to recognize a fulfilled child?

  • The baby up to 4 months :he is receptive , awake, he seeks communication.

Your role :you interact with him, you decode his gestures, facial expressions, attitudes.

  • Baby up to 1 year old :he asserts his personality, tests the endurance of his parents, pronounces syllables, discovers his territory, is curious and active .

You :The first disciplinary problems appear and you must start looking after his safety .

  • Between one and two years :it combines systematic opposition and imitation and appear the first rages and his cute hugs.

You :try to stay calm !

  • Around three years old :his imagination takes over, it makes him calmer, he talks and he invents.

You :listen, talk with him.

  • Around four :he identifies with one of the parents and rejects the other... and it's each their turn! He needs that to build himself.

You :let it be, it's only a passage .

  • From 5 to 8 years old :he grows up and this can sometimes create anxieties, moments of aggressiveness or regression, but his intellectual abilities also increase.

You :rejoice, and accept that it is no longer a baby

  • From 8 to 12 years old :he is more and more independent, and friends are beginning to replace the appearance. Because he always needs affection and listening but also to value themselves.

You :Keep communicating but respect his territory !

These are obviously outline and don't feel guilty if your child doesn't fit right in the boxes. He looks happy, sleeps well, eats well, is smiling:that's the main thing. If in doubt, talk to someone you trust or your doctor. And if you have any thoughts on this, please let us know in your comments.